UAW forced to be paid as a Southern Foreign factory worker.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Rock Hardson, Dec 20, 2008.

  1. Rock Hardson

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Indeed. Only in the union environment is stupid (mind-numbing) turned
    around to be a merit, and a case for more money.
    Mike Marlow, Dec 21, 2008
  2. Rock Hardson

    Rock Hardson Guest

    Yes they are already in Mexico, and if the workers in the Southern US
    states had sold out to the UAW, all those Southern US factories would
    be gone, or never built in the first place.

    You are obviously a union troll.

    Not at all, you obviosly someone with no answers.
    Rock Hardson, Dec 21, 2008
  3. Rock Hardson

    Rock Hardson Guest

    The UAW is living proof that one does not need to invest in oneself in
    terms of high skills and knowledge. That, in and of itself, is
    anathema to capitalism.

    No thats a matter of choice. Since when have you become concerned with
    someone elses education??
    Rock Hardson, Dec 21, 2008
  4. Rock Hardson

    Rock Hardson Guest

    Wow...and what do you think the union was developed for? Why were people
    dying and getting there heads cracked open in the 20 and 30's? Maybe so
    people like you or your father could actually do a job no matter how menial
    or mind numbing with dignity and respect without being walked over and
    disrepected by corporate and for that matter people like you.
    Rock Hardson, Dec 21, 2008
  5. Rock Hardson

    Rock Hardson Guest

    Uhhh...why not just sell the whole country off to the japanese?? We can then
    depend on them to make everything we need even grow our own food. Yeh we can
    then be totaly dependent on Japanese for our economy.
    Rock Hardson, Dec 21, 2008
  6. Rock Hardson

    Mark A Guest

    The UAW is organized crime syndicate that has bilked the American people out
    of billions of dollars.
    Mark A, Dec 21, 2008
  7. Rock Hardson

    Rock Hardson Guest

    Ohh did I touch a nerve? Me self centered? You are the one who doesn't give
    a damn about US workers, oh right you must be canadian so who cares.
    Yeh rape... funny what can happen when there is not an even playing field
    and people are against the wall because they need to get paid. Those who
    want to see American industry fail will find out soon enough what its like
    to get raped once the economical trickle down takes effect. Brother havn't
    been raped yet.

    And what is wrong with Colorado that you have to defame that too?
    Rock Hardson, Dec 21, 2008
  8. Rock Hardson

    Rock Hardson Guest

    He taught you to improve yourself?? Well maybe its what the unionizers
    fathers in the 20s and 30s taught them too. Maybe its because that got tired
    of doing a job no matter how menial or dirty it was while being walked over
    and disrespected by corporate or for that matter people like you. Maybe
    because they thought they had a right in sharing some of the wealth the
    ceo's were making off there semi slave labor.
    Rock Hardson, Dec 21, 2008
  9. Rock Hardson

    80 Knight Guest

    You mean like the Ford F-150, or the Chevy Silverado? You know, the #1 and
    #2 top selling vehicles?
    Yes, what a very good thing we have the nice God-Like Japs to do everything
    for us, right? Don't worry. If enough idiots like you keep running things,
    the Japs will one day own the US, and the rest of the world. Perhaps you
    will be happier then. Oh, and when WWIII breaks out, and Japan is against
    us, they will build our weapons, and equipment too. Just because they are
    nice. Idiot.
    80 Knight, Dec 21, 2008
  10. Rock Hardson

    Rock Hardson Guest

    Again your Glee in American job loss is showing. I just wonder what type of
    work you do and long you could sustain a job loss.
    Rock Hardson, Dec 21, 2008
  11. Rock Hardson

    Rock Hardson Guest

    The manager was trying to make a decision about Jack and Jill.
    He is talking to Jill and says I am not sure if I should lay you or
    Jack off.
    She answered that he should jack off.

    Not only are your comments asinine, but so are your jokes.
    Rock Hardson, Dec 21, 2008
  12. Rock Hardson

    80 Knight Guest

    Gosi lives in Iceland. He is a sick asshole, who cares about no one but
    80 Knight, Dec 21, 2008
  13. Rock Hardson

    Mark A Guest

    Here is a question for you:

    Suppose you were offered choice between these two:

    1. Agree to only use gasoline made from crude oil produced in the US, which
    would result in a price of $2.50 per gallon.

    2. Willing to purchase gasoline made from imported or US crude oil so that
    you only have to pay $1.50 per gallon and hundreds of thousands of US oil
    industry jobs would be lost.

    That's what I thought. Your buy American only counts when it applies to you.
    Mark A, Dec 21, 2008
  14. No can do. We have already sold ourselves to the Chinese.
    Caesar Romano, Dec 21, 2008
  15. Rock Hardson

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Actually, my father who was in the workforce through those formative years,
    did not need a union to protect him any more than his son did throughout
    his career. Maybe you have a romantic notion about what the unions are.
    Mike Marlow, Dec 21, 2008
  16. Rock Hardson

    Jim Higgins Guest

    Keep on buying junkers 80, Red Ink Rick depends on you for his bonus!
    Jim Higgins, Dec 21, 2008
  17. Rock Hardson

    Vic Smith Guest

    I guess you weren't notified.
    UAW workers are well paid for tedious "crummy" work.
    And so are the non-UAW transplant autoworkers.
    That might just blow a hole in your theory about what is well paid
    work, and what is "have a lot to offer."
    I repeat.
    I guess you weren't notified.
    UAW workers are well paid for tedious "crummy" work.
    And so are the non-UAW transplant autoworkers.
    They aren't paid minimum wage.
    Sounds like that's disagreeable to your notions of fair pay.
    Maybe you can form the MWU (minimum-wage union) to get it changed.
    Just talk to some autoworkers and let them know what they are worth.
    Start with some non-UAW Tennessee boys so's you don't get involved
    in UAW business.
    Let me know how that works out.
    I hope he taught you that in general you have no sayso about peoples'
    wages excepting your own.
    And not to say in the face of the workers who tediously produce the
    goods you consume that they are worth only minimum wage.
    I'm guessing you already know that one way or another.
    Now, why don't you go ahead and set minimum wage too.
    Workers of the world need you badly.

    Vic Smith, Dec 21, 2008
  18. Rock Hardson

    80 Knight Guest

    Keep on buying junkers 80, Red Ink Rick depends on you for his bonus!

    Keep on getting your welfare check, Jimmy.
    80 Knight, Dec 21, 2008
  19. Rock Hardson

    E. Meyer Guest

    I'm a retired engineer (from a US company). How about you?
    E. Meyer, Dec 22, 2008
  20. At first I thought your original post was tongue-in-cheek and that you
    were *FOR* UAW workers having their pay cut to match the pay of others
    with similar jobs.

    This post proves you really *ARE* as ignorant as your original post belies
    you to be.

    You don't really know anything about the car industry, do you?

    Your last line in this post: if my father were putting bread on the table
    screwing Toyotas together, why would I want to buy an American car?

    Look through other posts I have made in other threads similar to this one.
    I went and looked at an HHR. Two years ago. I am *STILL* waiting for the
    car I asked for to show up: 171HP engine with a 5-speed. NO ONE HAS ONE!
    It was listed as an option back in 2006.

    I got fed up with waiting and bought yet another Toyota. The car I wanted
    was sitting on the lot the second I drove in. It was the display piece.

    Blame the workers? Maybe. Why should they get paid $25 an hour (~$68 with
    benefits and pension figured in) when others do it for less?

    Oh, and the workers for Japanese companies get rotated around the floor
    and different lines so they don't get bored, and so they learn more. And
    they also have the 'whistle' that will stop the entire factory when
    defects are found.

    Another Hammerhead post defending workers that shouldn't have jobs,
    judging from the quality of the product they put out. If the Chinese sent
    cars over here that were the same quality as US cars have been, you'd be
    calling it "Cheap Chinese junk."
    Hachiroku $B%O%A%m%/(B, Dec 22, 2008
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