UAW forced to be paid as a Southern Foreign factory worker.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Rock Hardson, Dec 20, 2008.

  1. Rock Hardson

    80 Knight Guest

    Depends on the country. Some are pretty bad, some very good.
    I assume you are still speaking about European countries. As I said, in
    Canada, we can choose whomever we want as our Doctor.
    Actually, the reason some Canadian's go to the US to get treatment, is it is
    sometimes quicker. In the US, money gives you priority over illness.
    80 Knight, Dec 23, 2008
  2. Rock Hardson

    80 Knight Guest

    Why does no one seem to think this can work the other way around too? If
    all Domestic automakers (GM, Ford, Chrysler) were to go under, the Japanese
    companies (with no real competition) could pay there employees whatever
    slave-wage they wanted, price there cars at whatever (even more) bloated
    price they wanted, and wouldn't give two shits about quality, because there
    isn't competition. How would that help anyone?
    80 Knight, Dec 23, 2008
  3. Rock Hardson

    labatyd Guest

    Ya Canada it's free but you stand a good chance of dying waiting in line.
    There's always a catch isn't there?
    labatyd, Dec 23, 2008
  4. Rock Hardson

    labatyd Guest

    Useless comment. Has no reasons, facts, data, substance. Does that
    tactic work anywhere? Maybe in shot and beer bars.

    So you don't want the same health care coverage that Senators and
    Congressmen have?

    Apples and Oranges
    labatyd, Dec 23, 2008
  5. It was aircraft parts manufacturing. Clinton cut the military budget, so
    that business went away, and thanks to the taxes Congress levied the
    airline business went away...
    Hachiroku ハチロク, Dec 23, 2008
  6. Rock Hardson

    Mark A Guest

    No, you can only choose a doctor who is part of the Canadian government
    health care plan.
    Mark A, Dec 23, 2008
  7. Rock Hardson

    Mark A Guest

    I don't think anyone thinks that. But having The US taxpayer throw money
    into the bottomless pit called the US auto industry is not something that
    benefits anyone but those who work in the auto industry, or those who live
    in a city that where there are a lot of auto industry employees.

    It would great if Intel had more competition, but I don't think the US
    government should bailout AMD.
    Mark A, Dec 23, 2008
  8. Rock Hardson

    Jack Guest

    All the doctors (other than some specialists) are part of the Medicare plan.
    They have billing numbers which they submit to the gov't to get paid, like a
    contractor would do.

    It it perfect ? No..but NO ONE gets left behind..everyone has
    "chevy" coverage, not cadillac coverage, and it seems to work reasonable
    Jack, Dec 23, 2008
  9. Rock Hardson

    Mark A Guest

    Jack, I agree with you. It does work. But the point is that those Americans
    who have HMO's (which are very similar to the kind of coverage and care you
    get in Canada and EU) constantly complain about it, because they were
    spoiled with their traditional health care plans (that cost a lot more).

    Chief among those who complain are the UAW who will not accept such a plan.
    If they did, then GM, Ford, and Chrysler might have a chance to survive.
    Don't count on it. The unions will take at least 2 of the 3 into the grave
    just like they did Eastern Airlines.
    Mark A, Dec 23, 2008
  10. Rock Hardson

    Jack Guest

    Our biggest problem "up here" is the misuse of Emergency departments...some
    people go there for routine medical issues, i.e. the flu, bad colds, twisted
    ankle etc..tying up valuable resources from "real" medical problems.
    Another problem, not unlike the US, we are getting older as a population and
    with that comes more medical problems...there's a shortage of doctors..and
    the med schools can't generate them fast enough. There is no easy answer,
    both south and north of the border.
    Jack, Dec 23, 2008
  11. Rock Hardson

    80 Knight Guest

    Which are all but a few specialists, and most times, they are covered too.
    You may know the US health care system, but you don't know the Canadian.
    80 Knight, Dec 23, 2008
  12. Rock Hardson

    80 Knight Guest

    So, what would happen if GM, Ford, and Chrysler went under, and WWIII
    started? Sure, Japan are our "friends" now, but what would happen if they
    were on the opposite side of the US? Do you think they would supply us with
    the tools and equipment we would need to kick there own asses? "Those who
    fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it...Those who fail to learn it
    correctly, why they are simply doomed".
    80 Knight, Dec 23, 2008
  13. Rock Hardson

    Mark A Guest

    Making cars is not rocket science. Anyway, the foreign car companies have
    plants in the US, and if Japan every was at war with the US (probably the
    least likely country besides UK to be at war with US), then we can take
    their plants over.

    If we are at war with Japan, we are not going to kick their asses with cars.
    Mark A, Dec 23, 2008
  14. One needs to start with the basic fact that health is a provincial
    responsibility under Section 92 (the distribution of powers section) of the
    Constitution Act, 1867, and know that it gets more complicated as the Act
    effectively divides the "Canadian health care system" among 10 provinces,
    three territories, umpteen aboriginal peoples and the armed forces.
    Andrew Chaplin, Dec 23, 2008
  15. Rock Hardson

    HLS Guest

    ******Pretty stupid, for you to make a comment like that.

    Southerners are no more stupid or uneducated than Northerners.

    Because of traditional factors, including the obvious weather, it can
    be a lot more expensive to live in some areas of the North. The cost
    of living is traditionally lower in many areas of the South.

    I guess you need no more to join a union than your dues and the
    ability to sign your name.
    HLS, Dec 23, 2008
  16. Sounds like BS to me (so surprising coming from Mike.)

    Hospitals and doctors routinely charge much higher fees to uninsured
    than to insured patients. So is the discount to the insurance company
    Medicare fraud? Or are uninsured patients being charged much more
    than the "very high" Medicare rates?
    Gordon McGrew, Dec 24, 2008
  17. Rock Hardson

    Mike Hunter Guest

    No and yes ;)

    Everything I posted is factual and can be verified if you do a proper
    search. I could not care less what you choose to believe or not
    Mike Hunter, Dec 24, 2008
  18. Rock Hardson

    rantonrave Guest

    You could be correct if the year was still 1968, but Medicare has
    operated under cost controls since the mid-1970s, and currently no
    health payment system, public or private, sets lower reimbursements
    for hospitals and doctors than Medicare, except possibly some Medicaid
    programs or Tricare.
    rantonrave, Dec 24, 2008
  19. A proper search would include dates and locations - details you did
    not provide. This is just your trademark "do your own research"
    horseshit. This story is just another Mike Hunter lie until you back
    it up.
    I choose not.
    Gordon McGrew, Dec 24, 2008
  20. Good point. One proposal is to open Medicare to anyone willing to pay
    the premium. This would drive the private insurance companies out of
    business overnight.

    BTW, Mike, how was your coronary bypass paid for? You didn't rely any
    nasty government programs did you? Given your age and what little we
    know about your medical history, I would guess that private health
    insurance is costing you at least $5,000 per month if you can get it
    at all.
    Gordon McGrew, Dec 24, 2008
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