UAW forced to be paid as a Southern Foreign factory worker.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Rock Hardson, Dec 20, 2008.

  1. Rock Hardson

    Mike Hunter Guest

    That may be your opinion but you are not correct I was recently
    hospitalized for six days. The Medicare set rate was over $13,000, my HMO
    settled it for about one third that amount and I paid a $50 co-pay. The
    doctor(s) bills were also settled for less than half the Medicare rate
    Mike Hunter, Dec 24, 2008
  2. Rock Hardson

    Mike Hunter Guest

    How would that run the insurance companies out of business, when it comes to
    Medicare coverage? You need to do more research on HOW Medicare funds are
    disbursed. Insurance companies get the funds that would normally go to
    hospitals every quarter once a person chooses to go for private insurance.

    When I turned 65 I did not apply for SS. I am wealthy and do not need
    another $2,800. When my private insurance contract came up for renewal I
    was informed by the company I could no longer BUY insurance. Since the
    insurance companies, that provide for folks over 65, get the Medicare
    funds that are paid to hospitals for those over 65 in a given area, I was
    REQUIRED to buy and pay for part "B." The only way to pay for part "B" is
    to have it deducted form one monthly SS check. So now I get a check for
    SS every month that I have deposited into one of my chartable trusts.

    As to my current healthcare coverage I am not covered by Medicare, it is
    provide by a Blue Cross HMO for which the month premium is ZERO and provides
    MORE than is offered by Medicare, like dental and eye care benefits wellness
    and etc..

    In addition I purchase a $2,000,000 umbrella policy that covers cancer,
    nursing home and others things not covered by any healthcare system.
    Again one can not BUY an umbrella policy useless you have full coverage

    As to my bypass surgery, at the time I was still working and covered by the
    partners policy that paid the hospital bill that was, if memory serves,
    around $42,000 twenty thee years ago. One of my sons-in-law performed
    the surgery pro bono, my insurance only paid the other members of the team
    of surgeons

    In any event SS and Medicare are CURRENTLY headed to insolvency as we speak.
    President Bush tried to reform SS and Medicare but the Dims would not go
    Mike Hunter, Dec 24, 2008

  3. I recently went (for the first time) to a doctor under Medicare. What I
    learned is:

    a) Reimbursement rates are low to the point many providers do not accept

    b) When a provider accepts Medicare, they jack up the rate/fee for
    service in order to get what they normally would get for a cash transaction.

    c) The big factor in healthcare costs for retired folks using Medicare
    is the unacceptable level of administrative costs that factor in the
    total sum picture. I've received more paperwork for two recent doctor
    visits than I have in the last twenty-five years!

    Believe me, when the guv'ment sez they're here to he'p you, whatch out!

    Grumpy AuContraire, Dec 24, 2008
  4. Medicare would drive the private companies out of business because the
    cost is so much lower. They private companies are massive
    bureaucracies in which at least 25% of your premium goes to
    so presumably Medicare would pay for at least part of any future
    medical expenses.
    Magical free insurance! I guess there is a god. Wake up, Mike.
    Someone is paying.
    No doubt, but most people can't get this deal. Plus I would be quite
    surprised if your Blue Cross HMO doesn't collect some money from
    Medicare. You paid in those premiums for years.
    How is this relevant to anything? (You can't buy the umbrella policy
    w.o. full coverage because it is a supplemental policy, duh.)
    Great, will he do that for anyone who walks in the door? That surgery
    would probably be $250,000 now.
    Bush proposed nothing wrt. Medicare, even thought its financial
    situation is much more critical than SS. His proposal for SS
    effectively was to borrow a lot of money and invest it in the stock
    market. What a shame the democrats shut that down.
    Gordon McGrew, Dec 25, 2008
  5. Rock Hardson

    Sharx35 Guest

    This is one instance in which the Canadian medicare system is superior. ONLY
    payer in each of the Canadian provinces.
    Sharx35, Dec 25, 2008
  6. They might be long gone but the contracts are still in place.
    A Plumbers Helper Named Joe, Dec 26, 2008
  7. You can say the same thing about congress.
    A Plumbers Helper Named Joe, Dec 26, 2008
  8. Thats a silly question, its like asking me if I will buy regular vegatables
    for $3 a bag or buy organic vegatables for $6 a bag. I go for organic
    mostly. If I want to support my own for whatever reason I will pay a little
    bit more. Some people just sell out at any cost.
    A Plumbers Helper Named Joe, Dec 26, 2008
  9. Hmmm. it could benefit those who want to buy an American car.
    A Plumbers Helper Named Joe, Dec 26, 2008
  10. Sure we could take over there factories even with there technology,
    because the US would be rusty since they will no longer be innovators. The
    US would be dumbed down when it comes to manufacturing because some saw
    fit to shut them down when things got economicaly tight. Just throw the
    baby out with the bath water.
    A Plumbers Helper Named Joe, Dec 26, 2008
  11. Probably because no one else wanted a Scion and lots of people wanted the
    HHR, its called supply and demand.
    A Plumbers Helper Named Joe, Dec 26, 2008
  12. And you can say the same exact thing regarding a Japanese monopoly. But its
    really funny that auto prices began to skyrocket in the late 70s when the
    japanese fad started.
    That job loss would have nowhere the effect if the US auto industry were
    to shut down. Sure 500, 000 is a lot but its not 3 million.
    A Plumbers Helper Named Joe, Dec 26, 2008
  13. Rock Hardson

    Mark A Guest

    Even though a lot of products are made overseas, they are engineered in the
    US. Same applies to the most sophisticated auto assembly plants, like the
    Ford plant in Brazil.
    Mark A, Dec 26, 2008
  14. Rock Hardson

    Mark A Guest

    That is because there were import quotas and tarrifs on Japanese cars being
    imported into the US.
    It really matters of where you live. People in the South, Southwest, and
    West don't care about job losses in the rust belt, and vis versa.
    Mark A, Dec 26, 2008
  15. Rock Hardson

    me Guest

    Say what? Bush us the guy who passed legislation specifically making
    it ILLEGAL for the US Gov't to negotiate the price of drugs purchased
    by Medicare. He made sure that it was illegal to buy cheaper,
    identical drugs from Canada.

    Bush's only interest was in making his friends in business, in this
    case the drug companies, richer. He had no interest whatsoever in
    making SS solvent (unless he was going to be able to divert those
    dollars to some more of his friends in the financial industry).
    me, Dec 26, 2008
  16. Rock Hardson

    me Guest

    As always, MH has it ass backwards. The US Gov't requires that it
    always receive the LOWEST price of any vendor. It's fraud when you
    charge other vendors less without lowering your price to the
    government (fraud because you signed a contract that said you'd give
    them the lowest price).
    me, Dec 26, 2008
  17. LOL! Nice try. The Scion was in extremely high demand at that time. I was
    lucky to find the one I wanted. There were only 5 tCs on the lot.

    OTOH, there were over a dozen HHRs. Out of 12 vehicles, you'd think that
    ONE would have the options I wanted. They couldn't find one in three
    states, out of over 100 vehicles.

    Try again though. I enjoy a good laugh.

    But the sad part is GM DIDN'T MAKE ANY OF THE MODEL I WANTED.
    Hachiroku ハチロク, Dec 27, 2008
  18. Rock Hardson

    80 Knight Guest

    So, are you saying that if the Big3 go under, Toyota is going to hire people
    in the US to build there plants in Japan and Mexico? Get a grip on reality,
    80 Knight, Dec 28, 2008
  19. Rock Hardson

    Mark A Guest

    I didn't say anything of the kind. Nor was I specifically addressing the
    auto industry. Go back and read my post.

    BTW, if the Big3 go under (unlikely they would go into liquidation), Toyota
    is not going to build more plants in Japan.

    I really get tired of a bunch a whining union members claiming that if we
    don't save the Big3 then the US will loose it manufacturing base, which
    would have some sort of catastrophic effect on the US. They don't complain
    when non-union software development has been shipped offshore, or when the
    US is not allowed to develop its own energy resources and buy cheap oil from
    foreign countries instead.
    Mark A, Dec 28, 2008
  20. Rock Hardson

    me Guest

    It's a lot bigger that "non-union software development". It's also
    large chunks of the service sector, most manufacturing, anything that
    doesn't specifically require a local labor force. We need to tariff
    imported labor just like we tariff other imported goods. Otherwise
    there won't be any jobs left in the USA or any people with money able
    to pay the "US" corporations for their imported goods.
    me, Dec 29, 2008
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