UAW forced to be paid as a Southern Foreign factory worker.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Rock Hardson, Dec 20, 2008.

  1. Rock Hardson

    Mike Hunter Guest

    We know, that person is you LOL

    Mike Hunter, Jan 2, 2009
  2. Rock Hardson

    me Guest

    Enjoy hanging with your friends in the militia. Be sure to hide some
    guns in the walls of your house so the gov't doesn't get 'em all when
    they send "them" after you. Don't forget to keep your tinfoil hat on
    me, Jan 3, 2009
  3. Rock Hardson

    edspyhill01 Guest

    Mike is immune to reality, as is deebs, hatching roachie, and the rest
    of the rightwingnuts here.
    edspyhill01, Jan 3, 2009
  4. Rock Hardson

    edspyhill01 Guest

    Here's the fallacy of owning guns to protect yourself from your
    government - the same awesome fire power we exhibit on any battlefield
    will be turned on you guys with peashooters. Mike fires his AR15 once
    or twice and a helicopter gunship levels his whole neighborhood.
    edspyhill01, Jan 3, 2009
  5. Rock Hardson

    rantonrave Guest

    From what I know of Aetna, Cigna, and Humana reimbursement practices,
    that's highly unlikely, especially for the doctor bills. You're
    probably confusing the billings with the payments, which often differ
    by as much as 4:1.
    rantonrave, Jan 3, 2009
  6. Rock Hardson

    Mike Hunter Guest

    I'm not confusing anything. The doctors bill was nearly $6,000 and my HMO
    settled at $2,800.

    In addition our VOLUNTEER community ambulance corps, of which I am a member,
    MUST submit a bill to my HMO for transporting me the five miles to the
    hospital, BECAUSE I am over 65. The Medicare reimbursement rate is $850
    for that five miles . My HMO settled for $420 plus a co-pay of $25. Since
    I pay $40 a year, to be a member, I do not need to pay the co-pay.

    The stupidity of the high Medicare rates is, if I were a member of the corps
    under 65, the corps would NOT charge me or my HMO a dine. Since I am of 65
    and they did NOT bill the HMO they would be charged with Medicare fraud.
    Medicare IS DEFINITELY one of the primary reasons for our high medical care
    cost in the US and for the reasons stated previously
    Mike Hunter, Jan 3, 2009
  7. And unfortunately the way the rules are written, all dialysis patients have
    to go on Medicare after 33 months, no matter how old they are. God, I hate
    that rule, I feel like I'm stealing from the old folks.

    Sir Charles the Curmudgeon
    CharlesTheCurmudgeon, Jan 3, 2009
  8. Rock Hardson

    rantonrave Guest

    It's common, nearly universal, for reimbursement to be far less than
    the bill, and your example doesn't say anything about Medicare.
    Medicare WAS definitely one of the primary reasons for high medical
    costs - that was how President Johnson got the AMA to support its
    passage, but since the 1970s it's been the leader in cost cutting, so
    much that HMOs and the rest of the private insurance business have
    copied its practices. Doctors will tell you the 2 things they hate
    most are the low rates of Medicaid reimbursement and the hours they
    waste daily talking with HMOs and private insurers.
    rantonrave, Jan 5, 2009
  9. Rock Hardson

    rantonrave Guest

    Far more Canadians get health care paid for by their government when
    they come to the U.S.
    rantonrave, Jan 5, 2009
  10. Rock Hardson

    Mike Hunter Guest

    Any American who believes the government will provide them with better
    hearthcare for less money, was never in the US military. If they were,
    they cerainly were never in a VA hospital LOL
    Mike Hunter, Jan 5, 2009
  11. Rock Hardson

    Mike Hunter Guest

    My on son is a cardiologist I know what I'm talking about. If what you
    believe to be true, was actually true, why would any doctor accept ANY HMO
    patients and agree to an even lower fee for his service? I told you the
    doctors Medicare reimbursement rate for my surgery was nearly $6,000 and my
    HMO settled at $2,800. Why would he do that?
    Mike Hunter, Jan 5, 2009
  12. Rock Hardson

    me Guest

    There's a big differnece between the government _providing_ health
    care and the government serving as the intermediary (i.e. "insurer")
    between the clients and the providers.
    me, Jan 5, 2009
  13. Rock Hardson

    Mike Hunter Guest

    I guess we can assume you are not familiar with Medicare and how it is going
    broke? LOL
    Mike Hunter, Jan 6, 2009
  14. Rock Hardson

    Dillon Pyron Guest

    Yeah, but their pricing will be "lowest bidder". As one Mercury
    astronaut said (Sheppard?) "Here I was, sitting on 5000 pounds of high
    explosives, all built by the lowest bidder"

    Did you know that in the US, anyone with an MD can practice GP
    - dillon I am not invalid

    When you wish upon a falling star, your dreams come true.
    Unless it's really a meteorite hurtling to the Earth which
    will destroy all life. Then you're pretty much hosed no
    matter what you wish for. Unless it's death by meteor.
    Dillon Pyron, Jan 6, 2009
  15. Rock Hardson

    me Guest

    [top post corrected]

    You still don't get it. Medicare is the government PAYING for health
    care. It's funded through a payroll tax. That's different.

    Eliminating insurers and having the gov't act as the intermediary is
    completely different. In that case, individuals or companies still pay
    for health care as they do now, but there's no middleman (insurance
    companies) taking a fat slice out of the money on it's way from the
    patient to the doctor.

    I'm going to make a wild guess that you've never had to pay the full
    price of health insurance out of your own pocket or the pocket of your
    small business - if you had, you'd know that the current system is a
    me, Jan 7, 2009
  16. Rock Hardson

    me Guest

    But it all worked, because qualified engineers designed it. With rare
    exception - mostly when the engineers were ignored by the bureaucrats
    for political reasons - they did incredible things in those programs
    (not that I really support spending billions and billions just so we
    can say we walked on the moon). The government, in conjunction with
    talent, can produce quality work.
    And why is that important? All MD's have the same basic training and
    requirements to get to where they can practice. They reach GP
    qualification at that level. Specialists, otoh, need additional
    training. If you said that any MD could practice brain surgery, I'd be
    more concerned. Then again, it would account for some of the posters
    around here...
    me, Jan 7, 2009
  17. I wonder why it has to be that way.

    Here in the UK we have the NHS which provides the insurance, the
    surgeries, the doctors/nurses, and the hospitals all at once. Since the
    private companies and the private doctors/hospitals all have to compete
    with the basic level of care set by the NHS, their pricing structures
    reflect this and private insurance is quite cheap here.

    The health service in the USA appears to be a big scam with the
    insurers, the HMOs and - yes - the doctors who prescribe all kinds of
    wonder drugs for small ailments - all in on it. I'd definitely agree
    that a good private hospital will be cleaner and more comfortable than
    the average hospital in the UK. But you're paying over the odds for it.
    Our hospitals here are not hotel-like in their luxury, and I certainly
    won't pretend they're perfect; we might wait a few weeks longer for
    surgery, but the population as a whole is generally healthier. It
    shouldn't be beyond the gift of the USA, a nation far more powerful and
    richer than the UK, to figure this out ?
    Xenu The Enturbulator, Jan 12, 2009
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