update on 87 CRX HF issue

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by agent smith, Feb 15, 2004.

  1. agent smith

    agent smith Guest

    we replaced the spark plugs, the wires, the distributor cap, the rotor, and
    are about to replace the fuel filter. the car WOULD start and run when we
    were sprayin carb cleaner directly into the carb. as soon as we let off
    though, about 3 seconds later it would die. clearly it isnt getting fuel. i
    put HEET in there to remove any trace of water in the gas line. when the car
    was on, the smoke that came out the exhaust was grey. my friends think it
    may be the pump or the filter. what i need to know is WHERE is the pump and
    filter located? someone had pointed me to an online manual, but alas i found
    no 87 CRX in there.. only 86 and 88. email me at
    (remove undies) if youve got a good
    link. thanks a bunch for the advice guys :)
    agent smith, Feb 15, 2004
  2. agent smith

    agent smith Guest

    actually i found the CRX repair manual and vtec suppliment. any advice on
    what could be causing this?

    -agent smith
    agent smith, Feb 15, 2004
  3. agent smith

    T. Nelson Guest

    I suggest that you replace the fuel filter. If that does not fix the
    problem, you should consider replacing the fuel pump and related relays.
    You should be able to buy a repair manual at almost any auto parts store.
    It should tell you where the fuel pump is located. Someone recently
    mentioned that he purchased some bad gas that had lots of water or dirt in
    it--the startup problems did not go away until he used up the bad tank of
    gas--is dirty gas a problem in your area?? That same person replaced all
    kinds of things before he figured out the true cause of the problem.
    T. Nelson, Feb 16, 2004
  4. agent smith

    agent smith Guest

    in my daewoo, dirty gas has never been an issue. theres a few shells and
    texacos that have the best gas in town located right next to me. im gonna
    add some fresher gas later and see if itll kick on. if not, ive got a new
    fuel filter im about to throw in there tomorrow, or next weekend. either
    way, thats where im gonna start. everything else is a little dirty, but
    looks to b e in good condition. ill give it a good cleaning in a few weeks
    when i get paid again. thank god the fuel pump is only ~50 for a good one
    here. thanks for the advice all. if anyone has any other suggestions, please
    enlighten me ^_^

    -agent smith
    agent smith, Feb 16, 2004
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