Update on 99 Civic Noise at idle....

Discussion in 'Civic' started by pcfabix, Jul 17, 2004.

  1. pcfabix

    pcfabix Guest

    I started a post about 2 weeks ago this is an update to that post. To
    recap, I brought my 1999 Civic 74,000 miles to Pompano Honda. I had three
    motor mounts replaced, timing belt, drive belts water pump and fuel
    injection cleaning.

    After 2 weeks and 5 trips (they tell me when it is convenient for them to
    look at the car) they say they found the problem finally. The water pump
    was not lubricated properly and they had to add a lubricant to the
    radiator fluid. This is after they told me left and right it was the air
    box, they replaced the gasket twice and reseated several times. Then they
    recleaned the fuel injector thinking there was a stuck carbon. Then on
    this last trip they decided to replace all the vacuum hoses, pcv valve and
    other parts they didn’t mention. So after all this they discovered a
    bulletin to which they will not show me nor will they give me the number
    because it would be of no use to me because I don’t have access to the
    Honda dealer line, ummmm ok.

    So has anyone herd of having to lubricate a new water pump? Also if this
    is the case would the 200 miles I put on the car have damaged it? They do
    not feel inclined to replace the water pump unless I have a problem within
    12,000 miles.

    Needless to say right now the car is not making the loud Squeal (they
    called it a whistle) noise.

    Thanks in advance
    pcfabix, Jul 17, 2004
  2. pcfabix

    Eric Guest

    I'm not familiar with the service bulletin that you mentioned. But your
    local library may have a subscription to the All Data database. This
    database should have all of the service bulletins that are available for
    your car. All Data does provide a free listing of the service bulletins,
    http://www.alldata.com/TSB/24/992416AD.html (but without access to their
    content). I didn't see any mention of water pumps though.

    Sometimes you can get the service bulletin by putting in the number of the
    service bulletin into the url for this site,

    Eric, Jul 18, 2004
  3. pcfabix

    pcfabix Guest


    Thank you for the reply. The service writer nor the manager will give me
    the number. I told them I had full access to Alldata (I dont) but still I
    wanted it to seem like I would be able to look this up. They say this is
    not something that would show up at AllData it is for Honda dealers only

    I dunno I think they F'd something up and didnt want to fix it but seeing
    as I keep bringing it back and going higher up the chain they just fixed
    what they messed up to shut me up, But thats just my mind running wild
    pcfabix, Jul 18, 2004
  4. pcfabix

    Scott Guest

    The full technical bulletins are pretty much all available through EBSCO's
    Auto Repair Reference Centre and I don't seem to see any TSB regarding water
    pumps listed. The TSB's are categorized in the EBSCO database and under the
    "Cooling, Water Pump, Drive Belts, Pulleys" section there is only one
    bulletin listed and it refers to coolant leaks, nothing to do with water
    pump for the 99 Civic.
    Scott, Jul 18, 2004
  5. pcfabix

    pcfabix Guest

    OK so basically we are on the same page that the dealer may be lying about
    this bullitin? Should I keep presuing this by going above the dealer or
    just be happy the car isnt making the noise. My whole thing is Im driving
    this car till the wheels fall off so to speak so I dont want some screw up
    they did to run into a problem down the road...
    pcfabix, Jul 18, 2004
  6. pcfabix

    pcfabix Guest

    OK interesting I did a search on google and came up with this
    http://www.forparts.com/hon1.htm Right symptoms wrong car. Also what if
    one of my hoses busts, am I going to have to try to track this stuff down
    when I refill the radiator?
    pcfabix, Jul 18, 2004
  7. pcfabix

    Eric Guest

    The Honda dealer should be able to get it for you if you need it. The part
    number is given on that page. Use Honda's coolant and you should be ok

    Eric, Jul 19, 2004
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