Update: stolen '95 Integra GS-R

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by y_p_w, Jun 17, 2004.

  1. y_p_w

    y_p_w Guest

    My '95 Integra GS-R was stolen and stripped for parts last
    week. I hadn't had an opportunity to see the car until today,
    but the insurance rep had a look yesterday. I finally paid my
    last respects and got back some personal items.

    The Berkeley PD initially told me that the steering wheel
    and radio had been stripped, which is incorrect. What ended
    up missing was:

    * Instrument cluster pulled.
    * All seats gone.
    * A fleece jacket and unworn running shoes.
    * Cigarette lighter (I don't smoke anyways)
    * Power steering pump
    * All wheels replaced.

    The wheels were really strange. All my wheels were factory
    GS-R rims. Two tires were older, but with plenty of tread
    left. The other two I'd only had a few hundred miles. They
    replaced them with the spare on one wheel, and three steel
    rims with bald tires on the rest. An A/C line was pulled to
    get the PS pump, and one of the mounts was tossed in the

    I'm surprised that the airbags weren't gone. I understand
    that those are the two easiest items to sell. What I
    found really strange was that a $5 bill in the glove box
    was still there.

    The insurance rep has quoted me a reasonable settlement
    amount (about KBB retail value), which I'll probably take.

    BTW - anyone here need a (US) factory 1995 Integra Service
    Manual? I'd like to find a good home for it. It's free to
    the first person who asks. I'll mail it anywhere in the US.
    y_p_w, Jun 17, 2004
  2. y_p_w

    uphilldoggie Guest


    I know something of the feeling of having your property rifled and
    lifted, five cars (three different of my own, one rental and one
    girlfriend's--in all cases windows smashed except for one popped
    trunk, the rental's, the plundering of which turned out to be the
    costliest) have been broken into over the years, but the hairiest was
    certainly the most recent in which I was driving a girlfriend's car.
    I returned well after dark to a completely vacant, semi-lit parking
    lot in the park to find three thugs diligently in the process of
    liberating my girlfriend and me of a couple inexpensive bags and their
    contents--at that moment, one of them was trying to enter the
    hatchback's trunk from the inside, prying the seat forward. (I
    remembered thinking at first it looked from a distance in the dark as
    if a couple had broken into the car and were going at it across the
    back seats.)

    As there were three of them and I'd no idea if one of them might be
    packing, I thought it prudent not to provoke them, but still came
    right up to them when one casually said, "Oh, is this your car?" Ha!
    "Yeah, it's my car, what the $#%@ are you doing?" "Take it easy, we
    didn't know it was your car..." (Excuse me?!) By then, two of them
    had already gotten back into the car they were driving which was
    parked right next to my girlfriend's--no shame whatsoever, and the
    third one, about to get in and on seeing me walk to the rear of it,
    changed directions, just beat me to it and with one swoop of his
    towel-covered hand (probably the same he used to smash our window),
    ripped off the rear license plate with a loud bang before I could read

    Here's the ironic part: the car they were driving looked to be an
    Acura in mint condition; my girlfriend's car, a beat-up twenty-five
    year old Horizon (think a quarter step up from a Yugo, if even) on its
    last leg. What did they think they were going to find in there?

    Anyway, realized much later, it was good I wasn't attacked, and that
    I'd good insurance in the other cases.

    Glad to hear your insurance sounds similarly comprehenisve and
    uphilldoggie, Jun 17, 2004
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