Value of a '89 CRX SI?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by RAV, Nov 25, 2005.

  1. RAV

    RAV Guest

    My wife owns a 1989 Honda CRX SI that is in fantastic shape. She is
    the original owner, and the car has been garage kept since 1992, so
    the interior, body, and paint are in very good condition, with only a
    few parking lot dings. All maintenance has been done regularly
    (including paint sealant every 6 months) by the dealer. She only
    drives a few miles back and forth each day, so the car has only around
    51,000 miles. She has begun to have problems with arthritis and is
    having difficulty with the steering and using a clutch. Therefore she
    is considering selling the car to purchase something with an automatic
    transmission and power-assisted steering (perhaps the new Civic
    Hybrid). We are aware that the CRX SI model has become something of a
    classic, and considering the superb condition of this car for its age,
    we know the usual sources of used car prices would not be accurate. We
    wondered if folks out there have suggestions about what price to ask
    in selling the car. It's black, with grey interior. Thanks in
    advance for any input.
    RAV, Nov 25, 2005
  2. RAV

    Elle Guest

    Do you count among the "usual sources" for appraising used
    cars? It seems about as precise a resource as may be had for your needs,
    being organized by year, mileage, condition, color, etc., and geographic
    location, among other things.
    Elle, Nov 25, 2005
  3. RAV

    SoCalMike Guest

    yup. id be interested, if it was in the los angeles region. ive always
    loved those cars.
    SoCalMike, Nov 25, 2005
  4. RAV

    ass Guest

    I would atleast pay $10,000 for this car.
    ass, Nov 25, 2005
  5. RAV

    RAV Guest

    Sorry, we're on the opposite coast. By the way, we have checked
    Edmunds, and we don't think that represents the true value of the car.
    That's why we're interested in the views of people here.
    RAV, Nov 25, 2005
  6. RAV

    Elle Guest

    I checked Edmunds yesterday, and I can say I personally would pay more than
    the top price (the retail used car price, not more than $3k for my area)
    that they said was the average for your car. I wouldn't pay $10k. Maybe 33%
    more than what Edmunds states for the retail price. Otherwise, I'd think the
    seller was seriously trying to gouge me. Fact is, I'd only be interested
    because I know this vintage of Hondas pretty well at this point. That's
    worth something to me. The typical used car buyer does not have this
    knowledge and has only Edmunds to go by. That's leverage on the buyer's
    side. S/he doesn't have to trust you about what a great car it is. You're
    only one person, and the (biased) seller at that.

    But set the price at a value that makes sense to you, with room for
    haggling, and see if you get some interest. Maybe have documentation on why
    this is such a great car.
    Elle, Nov 25, 2005
  7. RAV

    jim beam Guest

    for a rust-free, uncrashed, clean title california car with all the
    docs, i'd say $6k. maybe a little more on a good day. you'll have to
    figure out how yours compares.

    fyi, there's a guy that advertises on craigslist here in the bay area
    several times a week for such a car. he offers less, but he's been
    advertising for 2+ years, so i'd say he'd pay more for the right
    vehicle. people will fly to collect. you have a good digicam, right?
    jim beam, Nov 25, 2005
  8. This might be a good car to sell on eBay.

    However you sell it, be careful of funny transactions such as people
    offering more than your asking price, people outside the countries,
    etc. Iv'e heard there is a lot of fraud of this type going around.
    You might want to research this point before you sell.
    Gordon McGrew, Nov 25, 2005
  9. RAV

    SoCalMike Guest

    hm. id also check:

    CRX club sites
    would it be too new for something like hemmings?
    google should give some ideas, too.
    the "dealer resale" price on edmunds is higher and more accurate.
    i know what you mean about that. my cars only "worth" (according to
    edmunds) $4500 or so as a trade in, and the dealer resale price would be
    something like $6000, supposedly.

    in reality, i know dealers would ask $8000, and id could easily get
    $6000 from a private party.
    SoCalMike, Nov 25, 2005
  10. RAV

    SoCalMike Guest

    if its "all that and a bag o chips", id say $7990 would be a fair firm
    asking price. a thourough detailing and visit by a paintless dent guy
    would help.

    who knows, though. might find someone who has fond memories of that
    being their "first car/car they drove in high school, college, etc/lost
    their virginity in/whatever"

    theyd obviously pay more. after all, $12k will get you a nice shiny
    hyundai, so i wouldnt expect more than that.

    this is all assuming its had at least ONE timing belt/water pump, and
    the tires are recent.
    yup. theyre only going to get top dollar if they sell to an enthusiast.
    SoCalMike, Nov 25, 2005
  11. RAV

    SoCalMike Guest

    ive sold 2 vehicles on ebay. its easy to set the stipulations you want.
    i asked for and got a buyer willing to pay cash, and that would come to
    my area to pick up.

    one came to long beach california from san diego, one from texas. both
    were happy.
    SoCalMike, Nov 25, 2005
  12. RAV

    Dan Beaton Guest

    East coast means winter. You will get a better price in spring.

    The best price will come from someone who knows this car and wants it.
    Trying to persuade someone who doesn't know it that it is a great car is
    a losing proposition. The model and its condition will determine its price.
    There are few CRXs around that are in good unmolested condition. Most
    are just old cars or have extensive mods that are of questionable value.

    (This account is not used for email.)
    Dan Beaton, Nov 26, 2005
  13. RAV

    Elle Guest

    Car salespeople persuade the naive all the time. The difference is that, in
    this instance, there actually are reports documenting what a great car the
    c. 1990 CRXs are. Probably can't beat the fuel mileage (for the dollar
    amount paid) either. If the guy has documented maintenance on the car, even

    If one is honest-sounding, not pushy, and documents his/her claims, this can
    be very persuasive.
    Elle, Nov 26, 2005
  14. The true value of the car is what a buyer will pay. Is autotrader available
    online for your area?
    Steve Bigelow, Nov 26, 2005
  15. RAV

    RAV Guest

    (Original Poster, here.) We appreciate your and everyone elses input
    on this. We do indeed have all maintenance records, including that of
    a recent timing belt and water pump. No modifications, no accidents,
    though there is one very small parking lot dent. As we suspected,
    finding the right buyer is going to be key. Fortunately, we are in no
    hurry to sell, so we can wait for the right buyer. Since we have no
    experience with E-bay, Craigs list, etc., we may start with an ad in
    the Washington Post. Thanks again for everyone's help.
    RAV, Nov 26, 2005
  16. RAV

    Elle Guest

    Not to drag this out too much, but in 1991 when I was determined that my
    next set of new wheels would be reliable, I went to Consumer Reports April
    car review issues and confirmed all those bright, fully-filled in red
    circles for the Civic (CRX too) in the reliability section. They confirmed
    what I had heard from many people and sold me. Maybe have a set of those for
    years CR years 93-97 (of course the 89 CRX will be in there). Point out that
    those surveys are based on a few thousand cars per model.

    If I had a god-awful accident with my 91 Civic tomorrow, rendering it
    undrivable ever again, and a seller with the car history and documentation
    you claim was standing fast at $4k or even $4.5k for this 89 CRX, and
    assuming a few other things like it's a manual tranny and the seat folds
    down, then it would be a perfect fit. After checking Edmunds, I think I'd
    stealthily ('cause that's the kinda consumer I am) still leap on it and
    probably pretty happily hand over $4.5k. But again, that would be in
    desperate circumstances. Otherwise, I'd move on until I found a seller for a
    similar car not exceeding Edmunds retail price.
    Elle, Nov 26, 2005
  17. RAV

    Dr Nick Guest

    However you sell it, be careful of funny transactions such as people
    yup, happened, to me (didn't get taken though, luckly) the guy sent me 4
    postal money orders of 1,000 each. (selling price of the car was 3100.)
    well, money orders were fake (as soon as I saw them, I KNEW they were fake,
    I brought them to the post office the post master said "nope they are real"
    I then told him "ok, let me cash one" and sure enough I'm told "yep, your
    right, they are fake". point fo teh story MAKE SURE to have any checks clear
    (preferbly paid by bank check or good ole cash if possible) before they
    drive away. my friend had one of those (I think it was a 1990) and MAN did
    that care move, that thing was a blast to drive.
    Dr Nick, Nov 26, 2005
  18. RAV

    Dr Nick Guest

    (Original Poster, here.) We appreciate your and everyone elses input
    I would say to try autotrader or, when I sold my maxima, I used
    both of them and got 4 or 5 responses in a week. autotrader also goes in the
    magazine as well as on-line and also lists with a few other sites,
    just a thought.
    Dr Nick, Nov 26, 2005
  19. RAV

    jim beam Guest

    the old car dealer talk-down tactic. dude, i sold a beaten up old crx,
    admittedly clean title, but several wrinkles, 320k miles and a blowing
    exhaust, for more than you're offering. clean, uncrashed, original crx
    si with low original miles? like hens teeth. price accordingly.
    jim beam, Dec 5, 2005
  20. RAV

    John Guest

    I'd give you $2K for it. I'm on the east cost. Let me know if you want to
    sell. Those miles you talk about are on the motor. That motor is $300 bought
    used with less mileage than the one you have right now. Nice shell/auto body
    is alright. I'll give you $1200 for shell and $800 for motor+tranny.

    Some of you have gone mad with $6000 for an 89 CRX even amongst enthusiasts
    like myself. It's just an old, Honda CRX after all. You can repaint an older
    car and get it to look brand new. You people have gone out of your minds.
    John, Dec 5, 2005
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