Valve Adjustment?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by M.Paul, Dec 7, 2006.

  1. M.Paul

    M.Paul Guest

    Honda is telling me that I should have them perform a $250 valve adjustment
    on my 99 Accord V6 in addition to the $780 timing belt replacement that I'm
    having done today. The odometer reads 88K miles. Is the valve adjustment
    really worth $250? Is it something I should attempt myself? (I have always
    adjusted the valves myself on my old Toyota 4cyl pickup). I told them to
    hold off on the valve adjustment for now.
    M.Paul, Dec 7, 2006
  2. M.Paul

    Elle Guest

    I am betting you are in a hurry, so here is some quick and
    dirty counsel from one of the amateurs here.

    I would hold off. First, I think it is something you can do
    yourself. Second, unless you suspect the valve lash needs
    adjusting (based on other symptoms), it's probably not
    necessary. The factory service manuals generally require an
    "inspect" for the valve lash, which usually means one checks
    them and, for Hondas, they rarely change.

    Get yourself a manual and do it yourself. Chilton's should
    be fine, since lately it excerpts procedures like this from
    the Factory Service Manual. Or spring for a whole Factory
    Service Manual for probably under $80. You can also try the
    procedure available via .
    You'll see the valve lash setting procedure under the
    "Routine Maintenance and Tuneup" section.

    I did not touch the valve clearance on my 91 Honda Civic for
    over 13 years and 140k miles. The procedure at the site
    above is very similar to that for my 91 Civic. If I can do
    it, you can.
    Elle, Dec 7, 2006
  3. M.Paul

    Elle Guest

    Login (for free) using the username "lib" and the password
    "access." Click on "Auto Repair Reference Center."

    Disclaimer: The ebscohost site's "Repair Procedures" and
    "Maintenance Intervals" sections seem to lean towards the
    generic. Worse, I have found notable discrepancies with
    these latter two sections and the Factory Service manual.
    The valve lash section I mentioned in my previous post seems
    accurate, particularly since it refers specifically to the
    V6, but ideally one should double check it with a Chilton's
    or Factory Service manual.
    Elle, Dec 7, 2006
  4. M.Paul

    motsco_ Guest


    If it was a first-generation CR-V, then yes (but not at that price).
    Otherwise, skip it.

    motsco_, Dec 7, 2006
  5. M.Paul

    M.Paul Guest

    Thank you very much! I also called another shop (very reputable independent
    Honda specialists) to get their quote for a valve adjustment and they said
    that they would never recommend a valve adjustment before 110k miles. They
    also said that Honda only recently started recommending the 1 time valve
    adjustment for their V6 engines and that of the ones they've seen, none of
    them really needed it done. Thanks for the quick response and for the
    resource link and follow-up!
    M.Paul, Dec 7, 2006
  6. Honda's not.

    The dealership is.

    Remember, the dealership is an independent businessman.

    What does your owner's manual say?

    The manual for my 02 Odyssey does specify a valve adjustment sometime
    around the 100K mile mark. And yes, on my car, it's expensive. But on
    yours it shouldn't be that bad. Find an independent shop to do all this
    work for half the money (or less).
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Dec 7, 2006
  7. M.Paul

    Woody Guest

    Take another look at your manual. The 99-04 Maintenance schedule for the
    Odyssey says inspect valve clearance, otherwise adjust only if noisy every
    105,000 miles. His accord has essentially the same V6 engine as yours so the
    cost would be the same. Unless they are noisy they should be left alone...
    Woody, Dec 7, 2006
  8. M.Paul

    nnote Guest

    my 96ex accord 4cyl is hitting 90k next week, ironicly at the same time
    I've scheduled the timing belt, water pump and valve adjustment. I've
    been quoted by a independent honda shop just over $500. Skip going to
    the dealer.
    nnote, Dec 8, 2006
  9. M.Paul

    jim beam Guest

    as others have said, beware the dealer fleecing you. the timing belt
    replacement mileage for your vehicle is 105k miles iirc, not 88k - that
    should give you a clue.

    otoh, i personally believe valve adjustment to be a good thing -
    depending on how you drive. i get my civic good and hot with prolonged
    high speed freeway stuff, and the valves benefit from being checked
    every year. if you just potter about town and cruise legally, you'll
    not be too worried, but again, if the motor gets a workout, be prepared
    to check the valve lash regularly. if it's neglected, valves can burn
    and cause you a lot of grief.
    jim beam, Dec 8, 2006
  10. M.Paul

    M.Paul Guest

    Thanks for all of the replies! I paid the $779 (minus 15% from coupon) for
    the timing belt job and skipped the valve adjustment for now as there is no
    detectable valve noise and I think that the mileage is just too low for a
    valve adjustment on this engine. The reason for changing it at 88k miles is
    because the car is over 7 years old and the manual states 105k or 7 years -
    which ever comes first - and many believe that time is a factor for the
    timing belt. I am aware of dealer service fleecing so I am skeptical of
    anything they recommend, but their price with the coupon was on par with the
    independant shops in my area - plus the dealer provided some extras like
    shuttle service, a lame attempt at a car wash, etc. The dealer service
    folks had three chances to change the motor oil for me (I provide my own -
    synthetic) and they have proven to me that they cannot measure the proper
    amount - each time they put in approx 1 quart too much! I will now only use
    them for work I don't feel comfortable doing myself.
    Thanks again for all the replies!
    M.Paul, Dec 8, 2006
  11. M.Paul

    johngdole Guest

    If you've done valve adjustments before on any engine you should have
    no problem with the Accords. The exhaust valves may be a bit tight by
    105K. I used a FelPro gasket set and they worked well.

    A problem with the V6 is that the idler pulley bolt is under the water
    pump weep hole. If the pump leaked then the bolt is likely to seize. I
    don't doubt some V6s still drive around with an old idler.

    Did the dealer replace both pulleys and the pump as well? If they
    charged you $780 then the water pump, three oil seals, tensioner
    pulley, idler pulley should all have been replaced along with the
    timing and drive belts.
    johngdole, Dec 11, 2006
  12. M.Paul

    M.Paul Guest

    They changed the water pump, belts and seals as part of the job. They also
    replaced the drive belt tensioner (bearing noise) for an extra $80. Don't
    know about the idler pully so my guess is that it wasn't changed.
    M.Paul, Dec 11, 2006
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