Very Strange Problem with 92 civic

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Paul, Sep 13, 2007.

  1. Paul

    Paul Guest

    I have a 1992 Honda Civic DX with Auto trans. From time to time when
    it sits for about 8 hours in a sunny spot when its about 70-75F
    outside it will not start. The starter will just crank. If I proceed
    to remove a spark plug it will start and run on 3 cylinders. I shut
    it off, put the plug back, and it starts and run perfectly on all 4
    cylinders. This has happened 3 times now and I don't have a clue
    why. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    Thanks Paul.
    Paul, Sep 13, 2007
  2. Paul

    Jim Yanik Guest

    have you replaced/resoldered the main relay? It has a history of temp
    related intermittents.It probably cools down while you are messing with
    your plugs. see (the relay runs the fuel pump;without enough
    fuel pressure,the fuel injection doesn't work,motor doesn't run)

    Why are you pulling a plug and trying to start it on 3 plugs,anyways?
    What's that supposed to show?
    Jim Yanik, Sep 13, 2007
  3. Paul

    It really is the main relay. Just fixed mine after dealing
    with it for a long time.

    Gene Wagenbreth, Sep 14, 2007
  4. Paul

    Paul Guest

    I was pulling a plug because the first time it wouldn't start I
    thought maybe I wasn't getting spark, so I pulled the plug and hooked
    it up to the wire to see if the plug would fire, and to my surprise
    the car started. But now that I know what the problem is I wont
    continue to do that.
    Paul, Sep 14, 2007
  5. Paul

    motsco_ Guest


    Good idea, Paul.

    Meantime, until you get it resoldered, you can put the ignition switch
    in position II and smack the dash on the left side of the steering wheel
    (if you're in North America). You'll hear the fuel pump run for two
    seconds and then you can start the engine. Filling the car with party
    ice will accomplish the same thing, but takes longer.

    Resoldering is fine, and will probably outlive the vehicle.

    motsco_, Sep 14, 2007
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