Vibration at Idle

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by John, Apr 6, 2005.

  1. John

    John Guest


    92 Honda Civic DX 5sp

    Whenever I'm at a stop the RPMs are lowered (don't know how low since the
    civic doesn't come with a tach) and the car starts vibrating really bad. The
    frequency is low and "bassy" from the inside. Pressure builds up in my ears
    from the low frequency. Any idea what it could be?

    One thing I noticed is that whenever I turn on the headlights, the RPMs go
    even lower and the vibration becomes even worse; when I turn them off, it
    gets slightly better but noticable at the same time. Ideas as to the

    I noticed there was a ground wire going from the chasis to the transmission
    that is almost cut in half due to strands of copper being cut. I'll replace
    this ground wire tomorrow and also replace the engine to chasis ground to
    see if that makes any difference at all.

    I don't know if it's all electrical but it seems that some of electronics
    are playing part on this low rpm/vibration thing.

    Any ideas/suggestions are welcome!


    John, Apr 6, 2005
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