vibration - low idle speed...

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Rattus The RAT, Jun 24, 2005.

  1. Hi

    My 91 Accord LX (209 K miles, 5 speed) kinda vibrates when the engine is
    warm and the car is idle, especially if for example i start the AC or I
    release the clutch, even just stopped at a red light it vibrates in an
    intermittent fashion. I talked about it with a good repair shop that I
    really trust and they told me it was some part that was bad (I recall it's a
    round or circular thing that was worn out and would transmit the vibration
    of the engine to the car, they didn'T have that part in stock but they told
    me it was not critical, can't remember the name of it unfortuantely). I
    think their diagnostic was right, it doesn't seem critical, the car never
    stalled or anything, but I'd like to have the name of that part because next
    time I go there I wanna make sure they have it in stock. So how is it


    Rattus The RAT, Jun 24, 2005
  2. Rattus The RAT

    Pars Guest

    I used to have an old V8 in my cutlass supreme in which I'd constantly tear
    loose the engine mount and sometimes the transmission mount (which would
    lead to rough idling). It was kinda cool being able to rev the engine and
    see it rise out of the engine bay. Once I got the mount fixed, the car would
    become more stable around turns and on the highway (along with fixing the
    idling issue).

    Pars, Jun 24, 2005
  3. I have owned my '92 Civic DX for almost 2 yrs and for most of that
    time it has had an off-and-on severe vibration with apparently low idle
    speed, while still giving good performance and gas mileage. Well, I
    read at some time in this group about engine mounts, so a few weeks ago
    I went out, opened up the hood and tried to see what they looked like
    (discovered they were circular black things, mostly). I saw this nut
    connecting the top left mount to the engine which was just sitting there
    half-way up its bolt, not doing anything, and when I applied a socket
    wrench to its partner nut, that was loose too. Tightening both these
    nuts to about their correct torque has got rid of the severe vibration!

    Dail Singleton
    F. Dail Singleton, Jr., Jun 29, 2005
  4. Rattus The RAT

    R. P. Guest

    Oh, gosh, I used to love my '72 350 V8 Olds Cutless,except at the gas
    station. Did you have the same thing?

    R. P., Jun 29, 2005
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