VTEC problem 02 si

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Robyn Rosenthal, Aug 16, 2003.

  1. Long story, but I will try to keep it simple.

    Last month the ECM in my 02 civic si died.

    When I took it in to the dealership they said that they replaced the ECM, but
    when I got it back, the car was a SLUG.

    Took it back again & they said that the ECM programming "didn't take" and it
    was running in default mode & reprogrammed it.

    Since then it has not run right.

    I have had it back to that dealership & to another Honda dealer and they both
    say that it working according to spec, but I have had a drastic drop in

    Specifically, the VTEC used to engage at ~3800-4000 RPM & when it engaged it
    felt like the secondaries on a 4-barrel carb kicking in on an old muscle car.
    Now it engages at 5000+ RPM & the transition is so smooth as to be virtually

    Does anyone have any suggestions/ideas as to how I can get my car back to the
    performance level which inspired me to purchase this car?

    Robyn Rosenthal, Aug 16, 2003
  2. Robyn Rosenthal

    Sean Dinh Guest

    If the switch over is so smooth, it meant that the switch point is the best
    point. If you feel the jerk after switch over, that was just bad programing from
    Honda, like older Prelude.
    Sean Dinh, Aug 16, 2003
  3. My 97 Civic HX used to kick hard and growl when it switched VTEC modes.
    Gas milage was terrible too. I found it to have bad factory ignition
    timing. Advancing it to where it should be improved the milage and
    improved low throttle torque. The VTEC kick vanished because it was no
    longer underperforming in economy mode.

    You might want to have a different dealership check the car. Maybe
    something isn't right now or maybe something wasn't right before. You
    need somebody very familiar with engine diagnostics to figure that out.
    Kevin McMurtrie, Aug 16, 2003
  4. Robyn Rosenthal

    Thudd Guest

    Install a cold air AEM pipe and cone filter. When the vtec kicks in you will
    hear the filter screaming real loud. I would also drive an si from the
    dealer and from a stop see how long it takes to reach at least 70mph with a
    stop watch. I would use the interstate on ramp when traffic is very light. I
    would check yours against the dealer si.
    Thudd, Aug 17, 2003
  5. Thanks for the suggestions.

    I have had the car to two different dealerships & I know I am being a pest, but
    I KNOW where the VTEC used to kick in & where it does now & I liked it the way
    it is.

    If I can't get them to put my car back the way it was when I first bought it
    (last October) is there anywhere I can buy the programming to do it myself?

    Well, not actually do it *myself* I would have my BF do it. He has been
    modifying Hondas since he bought his first CRX si in the 80s & I had said that
    this one was going to stay stock until the warranty ran out, but if I am not
    happy with the performance....

    Robyn Rosenthal, Aug 17, 2003
  6. Robyn Rosenthal

    alan Guest

    First, you might want to find out when the vtec is supposed to engage.
    You might also want to find out if they put in the right ECU.
    As far as I know, it's pretty hard to feel or hear the vtec engage on a
    stock motor.
    Try going to an independent mechanic.
    alan, Aug 17, 2003
  7. Robyn Rosenthal

    Jafir Elkurd Guest

    Top posts are nice, that way I don't have to read everyone's post 20 times.
    Jafir Elkurd, Aug 17, 2003
  8. Robyn Rosenthal

    dizzy Guest

    Duuhhh... You see, you're supposed to trim the post you're responding
    to, keeping only the important context. It's a little more work, but
    makes for MUCH better communication. Zero reason for you to read the
    same post multiple times, unless you feel you need to.
    dizzy, Aug 17, 2003
  9. Robyn Rosenthal

    zoomzoom Guest

    I've got a 01 Prelude and VTEC kicks in at around 5500 RPM. There's
    definitely a growl and you can feel the surge in power. My friend has
    a 01 Integra GSR and you can also hear when VTEC kicks in. My other
    friend has a 97 Civic Si with VTEC and it's really hard to hear VTEC
    kick in on his Civic. The VTEC kick in on his car is kind of how
    you're describing yours now... SMOOTH and QUITE transition. I've been
    in an NSX when VTEC kicks in and you can definitely hear and FEEL the
    extra power (even when you're cruising the highway at 130KM/hr -
    that's somewhere around 70mph.) I wonder if anyone from the Honda
    dealership can show you any documented technical specs to show
    approximately when VTEC should kick in... that way you can at least
    have some confidence if they've programmed your car properly.
    zoomzoom, Aug 18, 2003
  10. Robyn Rosenthal

    Jafir Elkurd Guest

    Top post works fine. So I'll continue to use it.
    Jafir Elkurd, Aug 18, 2003
  11. Robyn Rosenthal

    dizzy Guest

    Fine. Advertise your selfishness and stupidity.
    dizzy, Aug 19, 2003
  12. Robyn Rosenthal

    Sean Dinh Guest

    What about being anal?
    Sean Dinh, Aug 19, 2003
  13. Robyn Rosenthal

    Gus Guest

    Go ahead, advertise that, too.
    Gus, Aug 19, 2003
  14. Robyn Rosenthal

    Lanning Guest

    My '02 Si transitions smoothly - doesn't "kick-in".

    | Long story, but I will try to keep it simple.
    | Last month the ECM in my 02 civic si died.
    | When I took it in to the dealership they said that they replaced the ECM,
    | when I got it back, the car was a SLUG.
    | Took it back again & they said that the ECM programming "didn't take" and
    | was running in default mode & reprogrammed it.
    | Since then it has not run right.
    | I have had it back to that dealership & to another Honda dealer and they
    | say that it working according to spec, but I have had a drastic drop in
    | performance.
    | Specifically, the VTEC used to engage at ~3800-4000 RPM & when it engaged
    | felt like the secondaries on a 4-barrel carb kicking in on an old muscle
    | Now it engages at 5000+ RPM & the transition is so smooth as to be
    | undetectable.
    | Does anyone have any suggestions/ideas as to how I can get my car back to
    | performance level which inspired me to purchase this car?
    | TIA:)Robyn
    Lanning, Aug 22, 2003
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