VTM-4 Fluid Change

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Bruce, May 12, 2007.

  1. Bruce

    Bruce Guest

    Got my 2005 Pilot back from the dealer after the 30K service and noticed
    that they didn't change the VTM-4 fluid. The Owners and Service manual says
    change at 15K and 30K. I reviewed my 15K service and found that it wasn't
    changed then either. I called the dealer and they said they change it at
    45K. They have changed the transmission fluid at both 15K and 30K and the
    manuals say change it at 45K. Anyone know of a Honda policy to extend the
    service period on the VTM-4 fluid?
    Bruce, May 12, 2007
  2. Bruce

    Earle Horton Guest

    What you have here, is another garage where the mechanics know more than the

    Earle Horton, May 12, 2007
  3. Bruce

    motsco_ Guest


    The first change should be early, not late. If you crank a tight
    left-handed turn in a dry, paved parking lot, are you hearing a noise
    like your park brake is dragging, or a shudder, like your spare tire is
    being dragged on the pavement? That would be exhausted differential fluid.

    Dealer is a goof. It apparently doesn't last 30,000, especially the
    original fill, since it picks up moisture and the brake-in contaminants.

    motsco_, May 13, 2007
  4. Bruce

    jmattis Guest

    I think the 15/30K schedule you stated was first implemented on
    MDX's, and the Pilot required its first change at 30K. Sounds like,
    if anything, Honda is now requiring more maintenance for the Pilot
    than it used to, not less.

    Find a new dealer 'cause this one is screwing with your car. Sounds
    like another stealer that wants to inspect the hell out of things
    without really investing in materials to do a meaningful job. (For
    example, "Inspect for transmission service" means pull out the
    dipstick and look, charging top dollar for the privilege, rather than
    changing the fluid as a matter of routine.)

    Document the situation and what the first dealer told you about a 45K
    change in a letter, and send it to those bozos certified. Send a copy
    to Honda. That's to back you up if your diff shows problems later.
    You can just bet these guys are not going to support you when the diff
    burns up and they hand you the Big Bill.

    Now, having found a new dealer, go buy a gallon of VTM-4 fluid from
    them, and the 2 crush washers you'll need (about $34). Go to an auto
    parts store and buy a fluid pump that fits a gallon size bottle. It's
    about $8.

    Take a ratchet and preferably a short extension and remove the TOP
    plug in the diff. Having ascertained that it will in fact come off,
    remove the BOTTOM one and let the fluid drain. Replace the bottom
    plug using a new crush washer. Now take the pump, place it on the
    VTM-4 bottle, and pump in the new fluid. It will take about 3/4 of
    the gallon or a little more before flowing out. Loosely put the top
    plug in, and drive it up and down your driveway several times. (Keep
    the wheels straight and hit the VTM-4 lock button.) Now take the top
    plug back off, and put in fluid again until it comes out the top. It
    will probably take about 6 or 8 more ounces, and you can bet the
    dealer doesn't bother. Now put the top plug in with the new crush
    washer for real. From memory, it is about 24-26 foot pounds, and
    that's not a whole lot. If the tire for the Pilot is underneath the
    vehicle like the MDX, you can make this a lot easier by removing the
    tire first.

    Save your receipts in case you need to show Honda that the job was

    A lot of people report that the fluid looks brand new coming out, even
    though it is the first break-in fluid. It will probably at least have
    a sheen riding on top consisting of fine metallic particles.

    I'd be suspicious of everything this dealer has "done" on your Pilot.
    jmattis, May 13, 2007
  5. My dealer didn't do it at 15k until I reminded them, but I haven't heard that
    it can go to 45k. There's a procedure to do the change on http://hondapilot.org
    if you want to try it yourself. There's lots of other good information
    there as well.
    Mike Iglesias, May 14, 2007
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