Want to Buy - 96-00 civic speedo cluster in km/h WITH TACH

Discussion in 'Civic' started by disallow, Nov 8, 2004.

  1. disallow

    disallow Guest

    Hi there,

    I am located in Winnipeg, and would like to put a factory
    cluster in my 98 civic LX that has a tach, as opposed to
    the bare bones cluster I have now. I know, I know, I
    should have just bought a car that came with it, but hey,
    we all make mistakes, and I like my car, I just want it
    to have a tach, ok?

    So anyone that has swapped out for something 'sportier' and
    has one kickin around, I would totally be willing to pay
    a reasonable amount for it. BUT it has to be in KM/H, since
    I am in Canada.

    Let me know on the forum, or email me at the above.

    disallow, Nov 8, 2004
  2. disallow

    Sam Cormier Guest

    So like this but in KM/H right?


    I'd probably be interested in one also...
    Sam Cormier, Nov 9, 2004
  3. disallow

    disallow Guest

    Ya, that exactly. Apparently you can swap in your existing
    speedo from your old cluster. This would mean you could
    retain your original mileage, and still have KM/H as the
    unit of measure (the scale is the same).

    However, I don't know how the odometer drive works. If I
    swapped in my odometer from my current cluster into one
    from the US in MPH, would the odometer start reading in
    miles? How does the odometer know how fast to turn?

    Does anybody know?
    disallow, Nov 9, 2004
  4. disallow

    Randolph Guest

    With nominal tire size, the VSS (vehicle speed sensor) will give one
    pulse for each 157 cm traveled. So, at 60 km/h you will be traveling at
    1 km / minute, and thus get 1000 m / 1.57 m = 637 pulses pr minute.
    Similarly, at 60 mph = 1 mile/minute you will get 1609.344 m / 1.57 m =
    1025 pulses / minute. This does NOT depend on whether the car is sold
    with a metric or an imperial cluster, you get one pulse pr. 157 cm
    regardles. (Numbers from '96-'00 Civic service manual)

    If the odometer is like on the '92 - '95 Civics, then it is a normal
    mechanical counter driven by a stepper motor. The stepper motor is
    controlled by a piece of electronics that reads the output of the VSS
    and turns it into stepper motor drive pulses.

    The above statements are all facts. Here starts the speculation: The
    speedometer/odometer instument gets the same number of pulses / meter
    both in Canada and the US, so it would seem natural that conversion from
    pulses to kilometers or miles is done in the speedo/odo unit (it *could*
    theoretically be done in the cluster, but that would be a dumb place to
    put it). Thus if you put your old speedo/odo into the new cluster, it
    will still count kilometers.
    Randolph, Nov 9, 2004
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