WANTED: 95 Ody Door Lining

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Larry B, Oct 13, 2006.

  1. Larry B

    Larry B Guest

    I need a interior front door panel, driver side, blue-gray and in good
    I have looked high and low on the usual websites for used parts for almost a
    year, but there have been none available in decent shape. Most places say
    they have one, but once you call them, they really don't. The ones eact of
    the Rockies get ruined by the weather sitting in a junkyard. I am in Los
    Angeles. A new one is

    Sorry to post this here but I am hoping that someone has one lying around.
    Larry B, Oct 13, 2006
  2. ------------------------------------------

    You could ask the people at Odyclub.com

    Is it just the elbow rest part that's busted in? I've patched /
    reinforced a couple of them.

    'Curly Q. Links', Oct 13, 2006
  3. Larry B

    Larry B Guest

    Hi Curly,

    Oh, I have oft reinforced the elbow rest. The cloth on the panel is wearing
    out on top by the window (again, elbow related).

    Thanks, Lar
    Larry B, Oct 14, 2006
  4. Why not consult a motor trimmer / upolsterer to see about repairing the

    Stewart DIBBS, Oct 18, 2006
  5. Larry B

    Larry B. Guest

    I figured what are the odds of getting something even close to this fabric.
    It is pretty unusual, but maybe worth a try. Thx.

    Oh, I did post at Odyclub, and as usual, nada reply..
    Larry B., Oct 18, 2006
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