WANTED: CRX-HF in the northeastern states

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by cio607, Jul 10, 2005.

  1. cio607

    cio607 Guest

    Looking for clean, mosly stock, well maintained car with good Carfax
    report. No projects please. Cash waitng for the right car. Please
    email me. I'm in NH. Will travel.

    cio607, Jul 10, 2005
  2. cio607

    cricket Guest

    good luck on that.
    if you wait about 6 months I will have my 88 hf project completed. no
    guarantees that it will still be an hf,
    I will keep my eyes out though. between my bf and I we have 4 and one on the
    way. none hf's thought. we are always finding crx's.
    cricket, Aug 7, 2005
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