Wanted: Seat Belt Presenter

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Matthew Fries, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. About a month ago I took delivery of a 2010 Honda Civic EX coupe. My
    last car was a Saturn Coupe, and I'm finding little things about the
    Saturn that are missing in my Civic. One of those things is a seat
    belt presenter.
    Not a fancy electric one like some high-end autos have, but just a
    plastic swivel with an arm that mounts to the door pillar. I find it
    just a bit of a strain to twist around for the belt. I have googled
    the hell out of the internet, but it seems that everyone wants to sell
    me a seat belt extender, like I'm some 600lb waterbuffalo, and I don't
    need that.

    Is this too unusual a request? Has anyone any idea where such an item
    could be obtained? I considered getting one from my local saturn parts
    dealer (they would probably charge me $80 for one), but I don't have
    any idea how I could thread the belt through it unless I cut a slot
    for it. I would rather not have to re-sew the end of the belt, but I
    suppose I could.

    Since the seat belt *IS* a safety device, it would make sense that I
    would rather not compromise the integrity of the belt.

    Also, I don't care for the fan speed and temperature knobs. They're
    too smooth with tiny little squares sticking out of them. Can they be
    removed, and maybe replaced with something that is a little easier to


    Remove the BALONEY from my email address.
    Matthew Fries, Sep 24, 2010
  2. Matthew Fries

    Dillon Pyron Guest

    Okay, if you have some sort of disability (shoulder or back injury) I
    can understand your problem. If you are elderly (which might result
    in either of the above, but not always) I can understand. But I'm not
    quite older than dirt (I was born after Kiliua erupted, check out Dive
    Makai) and I have no problems. And I have both a shoulder and back
    injury. I can easily put my right hand over my left shoulder and grab
    the connector.
    Having not been to Africa to hunt one, I have to believe what others
    say, but that 600 lb waterbuffalo is going to tear the shit out of
    your Civic EX (which is a very nice car). :)
    (You know those little seatbelts that the flight attendants use to
    demonstrate how to buckle you seatbelt? They're also an extender. I
    saw a guy who could barely fit in his 1st class seat get one!)
    You know, I'm not exactly sure what you are asking for. What do you
    mean by "presenter".

    Oh, and you plan to go to your Saturn dealer, you might want to start
    looking REAL HARD.
    It's just something to get used to. When I drive my wife's top of the
    line Camary, I have to look down to find damn near everything. But I
    usually only drive it for long hauls. My Fit? I can make every
    change without looking down. And given the way I drive (hard) that's
    probably a good thing. Most of the fighter pilots I've had the
    opportunity to work with know where damn near everything is.

    But it just takes time.

    - dillon I am not invalid

    Toby (Tri-Umph That's the Sweet Truth)
    March 1998 - June 2010
    What a dog. What a dog!
    Dillon Pyron, Sep 28, 2010
  3. "Dillon Pyron" wrote
    I think the OP might mean "pretensioner." (I couldn't at first figure it
    out, either.)
    Howard Lester, Sep 28, 2010
  4. Thank you both for replying to my post. I do indeed mean "presenter",
    and not pre-tensioner. Allow me to explain:

    The presenter is a luxury device, and has no impact on safety. Imagine
    you had a butler that would ride in the back seat of your car. When
    you opened the driver side door and sat down, the butler would grab
    the seat belt and hand it to you, so you wouldn't have to twist and
    strain for it yourself.

    I wish I could point you to a photo of it, but like I said, the
    internet doesn't seem to know anything about it. This just boggles my
    mind because the saturns have had it for nearly 15 years, and it's a
    convenience that I would like to have in my Civic.

    I think Dillon is right.... It's just something that I'm going to need
    to get used to.


    Remove the BALONEY from my email address.
    Matthew Fries, Sep 29, 2010
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