Washed Engine CR-V

Discussion in 'CR-V' started by tflfb, Apr 3, 2004.

  1. tflfb

    tflfb Guest

    Washed the engine on my CR-V, with a presure washer the 27th of March,
    Friday April the 2nd engine starts to misfire check engine lite on and

    Ran perfect till then, pulled #1 plug wire moisture in that hole, wouln't
    you think that the heat from the engine would of evaporated any moisture
    after 4 days.

    Anyway off to the dealer to have them check the computer memory to make sure
    it wasn't anything else, causeing the misfire.

    No more engine washing for me, who care if its dirty!

    tflfb, Apr 3, 2004
  2. tflfb

    disallow Guest

    The plug wires seal in the moisture, so just take them out and
    maybe use a shop-vac to suck the excess moisture out. Also, get some
    silicone grease and put a dab on the end of the
    exposed end of the spark plug, and put a little on the wire
    end. This should decrease any resistance and help with the

    But first make sure all the moisture is gone.

    disallow, Apr 3, 2004
  3. tflfb

    null_pointer Guest

    I had a CR-V when I lived in Minnesota and I pressure washed it,
    including the engine compartment, every week. I just made sure that I
    kept the end of the nozzle at least a foot and a half away when
    pointed at the engine. Never had any problems. I also wrapped a
    small baggie around the brake fluid resevoir because it's pretty easy
    to get water into the vent on the cap.
    null_pointer, Apr 3, 2004
  4. =====================

    Save your money. Pull the wires out, dry it all out by shoving some bits
    of rag in there with a coat hanger. Put a fan under the hood to get
    everything completely dry overnight. Put the wires back together and get
    the code reset for free at ___________ wherever.

    If you're over about 40,000 miles, get a valve adjustment done. Manual
    is wrong about this fine point.

    You didn't mention the year or mileage.


    'Curly Q. Links', Apr 3, 2004
  5. tflfb

    tflfb Guest

    2001, 22,000 miles
    tflfb, Apr 4, 2004
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