Water in the footwell.

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Graham W, Jan 1, 2006.

  1. Graham W

    Graham W Guest

    Hi Gang,

    I've got a puddle forming in the footwell on my passenger side
    when there's been heavy rain.

    It seems to be coming from some point on the outside well wall
    and running over the carpet into the rubber mat.

    This happens even when the car is standing Which is most of
    the time since it only gets used a couple of times a week.

    What is likely to be doing it? Are there any tubes running inside
    the A pillar and where do they appear from - the sunroof gutter?

    The car is my Rover 1.6 GSi based on the Concerto, I understand.

    Thanks for any suggestions.

    Happy New Year to everyone.
    Graham W, Jan 1, 2006
  2. Graham W

    jim beam Guest

    on my civic, there's a rubber blanking plug on the passenger very close
    to the where the inner fender meets the firewall. i know your passenger
    side is different to mine, but i fixed an identical leak in similar
    circumstances a week ago. crud had accumulated in the crease where the
    two panels meet and had built up so that fluid ran over the plug, and
    evidently, past an ineffective seal. i pulled the plug, cleaned
    everything up, removed dirt accumulation, and reinserted the plug with a
    little silicone grease on it to makes sure it sealed properly. now the
    leak is completely gone. hope this works for you!
    jim beam, Jan 2, 2006
  3. Graham W

    Graham W Guest

    Oh, thanks Jim. I'll look around that area to see if mine is similar.
    I can see how that happens so I'll look at the state of play there.

    Graham W, Jan 2, 2006
  4. Graham W

    Dwight Guest

    Hi Graham
    Had the same problem on a Concerto and as stated it was a build up of
    mud inside between plastic and steel up to a hole in that area which
    then allowed for water to enter the car. (fun in car washes) Cleaned
    out, fitted blanking plug, problem solved, best of luck.

    Dwight, Jan 2, 2006
  5. Graham W

    Graham W Guest

    Dave, thanks for that and I'll get in there to clean it out.

    Happy New Year.
    Graham W, Jan 2, 2006
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