water leak

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by MinnesotaMike, Sep 26, 2006.

  1. My son has a water leak in his 97 Civic. The only part that gets wet is
    the driver's side floor. I have looked for holes and can find nothing.
    I even ran water over the driver's side for 10 minutes and no leaking
    water is seen. This doesn't happen every time it is wet outside.
    Anything I can look for? I'm lost as to where the water is coming in.

    MinnesotaMike, Sep 26, 2006
  2. What about holes in the floor boards?
    loewent via CarKB.com, Sep 26, 2006
  3. MinnesotaMike

    Shaggz Guest

    I had some similar issues in my 89. Took a while to get them all.

    I took it to a body-shop, they got the ones in the back half. The one
    in the front that sounded similar to yours, sounds like a windshield
    problem. I only started when the rain was enough speed I think. So if
    you aim the hose at the top of the windshield, you might get it to do
    it. Its a bitch trying to get it to happen. It could be that its
    collecting on the passenger side, and sliding into the drivers side.

    I had massive rust problems, all behind it. So, they took the glass
    off, put in some fiber-glass, and we went from there. That fixed it up.
    No worries from then on.
    Shaggz, Sep 26, 2006
  4. No holes that I noticed. I peeled back the carpet and nothing. I even
    looked under the car and didn't see anything.
    MinnesotaMike, Sep 26, 2006
  5. I thought about the windshield, but the insulation in front of the
    pedals isn't wet from the top. The carpet and insulation is only wet on
    the floor. I would think that the insulation would be wet from the top
    down if the windshield was leaking, or am I wrong? Also, only the front
    driver's side is wet. Everywhere else is dry. Nothing worse then a
    water leak.
    MinnesotaMike, Sep 26, 2006
  6. Do you think a high pressure washer would help to see if it's the
    MinnesotaMike, Sep 28, 2006
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