Water/rain leaks, 1999 CX hatchback

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by dl, Dec 28, 2006.

  1. dl

    dl Guest

    This seems to be a recurring theme. Last winter, the back leaked.
    Sealing the taillights fixed the problem although we never figured out
    exactly where the leak was.

    Now, the driver’s side floor is filling up with a LOT of water, but
    again we cannot determine the source. There’s a gasket running along
    the outside top egde of the roof, and we had racks on the car - is
    that a likely source? Or is it more likely the doors themselves? The
    seals there appear to be fine, visually. Any hints for sleuthing this
    out without having to replace all seals and gaskets?

    Thanks for your help.
    dl, Dec 28, 2006
  2. dl

    jim beam Guest

    sleuthing is the only option. try water with food dye in it if necessary.
    jim beam, Dec 30, 2006
  3. dl

    nm5k Guest

    I had some of this on mine, but on the passenger side.. I checked
    and cleaned the door gaskets. Also made sure all the drain holes
    were clear. I think that helped more than anything. I don't get very
    much at all now. Open the hood and trunk and look for any drain
    holes. Mine has them up in front of the windshield , two on each side.
    They have rubber grommets. Stick something in those to make sure
    they are clear. Pour water down the windshield, etc to make sure they
    drain. I don't think the trunk has those, but make sure no trash is
    up around the trunk gasket area/water valley behind the back window.
    When you check the door gaskets, clean them real good to make sure
    no dirt is breaking the seals. On mine, trying to locate the leak was
    easy. I'd have water in front and back passenger side, but see no
    obvious leaks anywhere dripping. Was really weird.. So... I tend
    to think cleaning the drain holes up in front of the windshield helped
    more than anything. Every time I open the hood, I clean the debris
    that falls from the trees, and make sure the drains are clear.
    I get lots of leaves, acorns, etc that constantly fall and clog things.
    nm5k, Dec 30, 2006
  4. dl

    dl Guest

    MK wrote: So... I tend
    to think cleaning the drain holes up in front of the windshield helped
    more than anything. Every time I open the hood, I clean the debris
    that falls from the trees, and make sure the drains are clear.

    Well, there was a lot of debris there, as you say. But it looks to me
    like my front windshield drains thru where the windshield wipers come
    out, and it’s a big hole. On the passenger side there’s just a big
    space under the hood gasket. No sign of grommets.

    We’ve siliconed the seal on the roof and will try pouring water when
    it’s a little warmer.

    Thanks for the suggestions.
    dl, Dec 30, 2006
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