We Could Build a Coal-to-Gasoline Conversion Plant

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Nomen Nescio, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. Nomen Nescio

    Mike Hunter Guest

    As long as drivers will go to the station that had the lowest price, evn if
    it a penny a gallon, alternates will not sell without government incentives.
    Look at the hybrids, buyers prefer the conventionally powered twins, because
    they cost thousands less to drive home even with incentives. Smart buyers
    do not want to reduce the amount of oil we import by prepaying for three
    years fuel consumption in the purchase price. The ultimate consumer product
    is the one that suits your personal needs and costs less. When I was in
    retail the most important question a buyer asked before signing on the
    bottom line was 'How much is my monthly payment?' LOL

    mike hunt
    Mike Hunter, Apr 20, 2006
  2. Nomen Nescio

    dh Guest

    What's wrong with that? No private industry will touch this and energy
    turns out to be a strategic asset. Free markets are great for allocating
    resources but do not do strategic planning. Building something as a nation
    can make a lot of sense.

    I noticed a guy at a store the other day. He was wearing a t-shirt
    commemorating the Rutan project's ascent into space. The usual "Capitalism
    1, NASA 0" sort of message.

    Except - that's not the score. Getting 100km off the ground is a fairly
    notable achievement. One that NASA managed in 1962 or so. I remember
    watching it on a black-and-white TV.

    And 100km off the ground and then straight back down is not near as
    impressive - or dangerous - as re-entry from a 160km orbit at 30K km/sec.

    Nor has Rutan made it to the Moon. A small matter of getting up out of TWO
    gravity wells and completely escaping both.

    The score is more like "Capitalism 0.1, NASA 32." Rutan took a baby-step
    towards useful space travel.

    Oh, and the capacity of SpaceShip 1 or whatever it's called is a pilot and
    three passengers. No luggage. No supplies for a few days in space. The
    Shuttle can lift tons into orbit and stay there for days. An EDO Shuttle
    can stay up for a couple of weeks.

    So, while I think a coal-to-liquid fuel conversion plant is a bad idea, I
    don't think a project owned by the people for the people will necessarily be
    a bad idea.

    Hilarious. Say, did you watch "Great Presidential Speeches" on Letterman
    last week?

    *** ***
    dh, Apr 20, 2006
  3. Nomen Nescio

    Jeff Guest

    According the DOE, almost half of the crude oil is refined into gasoline,
    hardly "only a small part."


    In several European countries, they use half the energy, per capita, than we
    do in the US.

    Please give us evidence that excess gasoline would just be burned off.

    I mean, before it became a motor fuel? That was when? In 1896?

    Jeff, Apr 20, 2006
  4. Nomen Nescio

    Jeff Guest

    No, I live about 30 km from school. I take a diesel-electric train to the
    train terminal, then two electric subway trains. Most of my students either
    walk, take a diesel bus or the subway there.

    Jeff, Apr 20, 2006
  5. Nomen Nescio

    Jeff Guest

    But when one has selected a car, he might be able to get a lower monthly
    payment at another dealer, but he won't get another car of the same model
    that gets better gas milage.

    Jeff, Apr 20, 2006
  6. Nomen Nescio

    gerald2003r Guest

    I think allot of states with the coal would Love to have it in their
    backyard. Those states have been depressed for a long time now.

    gerald2003r, Apr 20, 2006
  7. Nomen Nescio

    ron Guest

    So right Jeff. I live in No California and I know people on limited
    incomes will drive 8 or 10 miles each way to by 6 gallons of gasoline
    to save a couple of cents/gallon.

    Until it really hurts to buy gasoline, no one will conserve nor will
    anyone even consider proper alternatives.

    Hurt level probably double today's price, IMHO. Till then we'll keep
    sucking oil from non-home sources.

    ron, Apr 20, 2006
  8. Nomen Nescio

    gerald2003r Guest

    I'm with you on the mass transit idea, the only problem being is that
    ours sucks! We are just to plain greedy to invest in a good idea. I was
    born in New York City where they did have the brains to invest in it
    and it works great! They did have their hard time in NYC but recovered
    nicely and it's one of the best transit systems in the world.

    gerald2003r, Apr 20, 2006
  9. Nomen Nescio

    Jeff Guest

    That is like 0.1% of the price of gasoline. Gasoline is now around 300 c
    ($3.00), and the total taxes are 0.445c or less than 1/2 a cent. I would
    have thought they would be more.
    http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2005/04/22/BUG41CD7OK1.DTL&type=businessEthanol is made for less money than gasoline in Brasil. Quantities arelimited, of course.It took something like 20 years for Brasil to get to the point where it wasable to begin replace gasoline with ethanol. It will take a long time in theUS, too. One of the big problems is that corn and some other crops depletethe soil of nutrients and water.So ethanol is far from a perfect solution.> Search "The Bud Angst Report » Blog Archive » PA Leads With Coal-to-OilSolution To Address Energy Needs">>> mike hunt>>>> "Backyard Mechanic" <> wrote in messageNomen Nescio <> wrote:>>>>> The People of the United States could build a people-owned coal-to-oil>>> conversion plant>>>>> I'm waiting, Mr. President. >>> But you would still be an idiot!>> I think 'people-owned' is significant... Aint no crooks in them communes,>> no-sir!>>>> Life is so simple for the simple minded...>>>>>> -->> Yeh, I'm a Krusty old Geezer, putting up with my 'smartass' is the price>> you pay..DEAL with it!>>>
    Jeff, Apr 20, 2006
  10. Nomen Nescio

    gerald2003r Guest


    First off I'm not sure why you would not want your post archived... ?
    Secondly I do think that People Owned had anything to do with the
    That was a dictatorship. The People owned nothing... My wife is from
    Russia... She is wonderful...

    gerald2003r, Apr 20, 2006
  11. Nomen Nescio

    Jeff Guest

    Hurt level depends on wealth and income. If gas double in price, I would
    still go where i want to go. But there are people who can't afford to go
    where they want to go now. What I think we will see happening is that the
    economy will slow down because poor people can't afford to buy as much and
    the price of plastics and other petroleum-based goods will go up. In
    addition, people will start buying more fuel-efficent cars in the next few
    years, if the gas prices don't fall back to less than $2.00 per gallon. Very
    few people will rush to trade in their SUVs for small cars, but when the
    time comes, more people will buy small cars (and some will even buy

    Jeff, Apr 20, 2006
  12. Nomen Nescio

    Jeff Guest

    NYC's transit system does have some short comings, like the idiots who
    manage it. In addition, it would be better if trains from NJ, upstate NY and
    Conn. would go to more places than just Penn Station, Grand Central Station
    and a few stops on the way.

    In addition, there are some areas of NYC where the subways are not convient.
    And more subways are needed to go to the upper east side and harlem.

    But it is an excellent system.

    NYC has millions of people. That is very helpful in making a functional
    system. That is one reason why other smaller cities can't make a go of mass

    Jeff, Apr 20, 2006
  13. Nomen Nescio

    gerald2003r Guest

    Oils not the answer. We can drill for a long time to come. What is
    needed is for the people to wake up and come up with free ideas and
    more technology to make things more effiencent <Spelling, we were
    warned in 1973 and we deceided to ingnore the warning COMPLETLY. We are
    paying for ignorance. We the people have NOTHING to complain about. We
    the people need to get our asses together<i think the fcc approved that
    word for us. The energy companies are laughing their way, ALL THE WAY

    gerald2003r, Apr 20, 2006
  14. Nomen Nescio

    gerald2003r Guest

    Agreeed! The energy companies along with our wonderful White House that
    will keep the people at bay. They do not want you to succeed. 500
    million to an Exxon Mobil exec??? For what, for stealing from the
    people... Incredibal!

    gerald2003r, Apr 20, 2006
  15. Nomen Nescio

    gerald2003r Guest

    Did you really say 100 million? 100 million is only 1/5 of what that
    Exxon Mobil guy will take home as a pension. FUNNY, we are talking
    about the whole of the U.S., Canada, the world to be a better place to
    live and work. The GOV, needs to spend a couple more bucks to put these
    plants in a couple more backyards. Cleanly! The coal commericals on TV
    are very good and they have come along way but at the same time I hope
    they spend as much on saftey as they do on getting reserves out of the
    ground. The Men and Women doing this job for our life styles need to be
    backed up with our dollars for a futurist safe envirorment. They don't
    have it now.

    gerald2003r, Apr 20, 2006
  16. Nomen Nescio

    gerald2003r Guest

    Well I don't beleive that much. There was a town in Texas what during
    the early 1900's that fell victim to a storm also. I wish I could
    remember the name now, Agausta comes to mind. They got nuked by mother
    nature also but they came back to rebuild but they build something that
    could almost not be knocked down. New Orleans needs to do the same
    project but with the engineers and also add to this idea would be to
    get the envirorment to work as it had sice the 1700's or before. The
    current system is and was a joke for many years. A better idea would
    put many people to work and save history in my view. Yes they need to
    deal with the wetland problem, it is because the screwed this idea up
    that they had as big a problem as they did last year. Yeah.. a little
    crazy tonight...

    gerald2003r, Apr 20, 2006
  17. Nomen Nescio

    Jeff Guest

    I should have added that not only is a lot of the crude oil that we import
    refined into gasoline, but we also import around 1,000,000 barrels a day of

    This is, in part, because of lost capacity post Katrina.

    Jeff, Apr 20, 2006
  18. Let's put some common sense in play:

    Yes and No... we were warned in the seventies. But the greens had the
    ear of the politicians.. while we went on about our lives.

    So we rule out evidence that refutes them.. Check out caribou population,
    check out wildlife in Prudhoe bay.

    We should have HAD that site drilling done, at least one producing well-
    site in every field.
    We should have HAD industry consortium pulling oil from Colorado Oil

    We SHOULD NOT have Power Plants burning natural gas or fuel oil because
    it's cheaper than coal scrubbing.
    We SHOULD have had Power plants running on coal gasification, developed
    again, by industry consortium with research/dev funding supplied by tax
    breaks, rather than trading pollution credits.
    You think that wouldnt make much difference? What is China using all
    that oil, for? What if China actually bought our technology to make coal
    burn cleaner, wouldnt that actually help us in other areas?

    First and foremost: We SHOULD have NEVER stopped building state of the
    art nukes. As I pointed out elsewhere even the guy who started the anti-
    nuke lobby NOW says it was a mistake.

    Three-Mile Island was a success story, Chernobyl was the warning! But it
    was demogogue politicians and the press that made them seem the same.

    Do you REALLY think energy companies are at fault? Or is it 'WE THE

    It was "You the People" that keep electing that idiot Kennedy... who
    ignores or counters everything his nephew promotes because of nimby.
    - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -
    Now... THIS is a warning, I am actually being nice here... if I read ONE
    more 'the people vs big bad corp' themed simple minded opinion on here, I
    am going to come out with all guns blasting. You think I'm crusty now...
    you aint seen nothing!
    Backyard Mechanic, Apr 20, 2006
  19. It may SEEM that way... but the thing is you state that view, more clearly
    and concisely than most, without a lot of other idiocy, like Nomen's,
    thrown in.

    Thus you seem the target but you're not. The IDEA is the target.
    Backyard Mechanic, Apr 20, 2006
  20. Yep, we lost a lot of time and wasted a lot of fuel listening to those
    bark chewers. I doubt we still have the technical expertise to build
    nuke power plants. We'd most likely have to ask France to help us.
    You're right about the coal, we have much but not using it much, very

    U.S. is in decline, but it didn't have to be. Had we more GWB like
    administrations in the past we would still be leading the world in every
    area. More Carter like administrations and we'll be a third world
    The BEnevolent dbu, Apr 20, 2006
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