We Need Bad Checks!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by treymanda, Jan 7, 2004.

  1. treymanda

    treymanda Guest

    GET AN INCOME TAX DEDUCTION FOR THAT BAD CHECK!!!! Donate that check to our
    charitable organization and get a tax deduction for the amount of the check!
    Just mail the check and the name of the writer of the check (some signatures
    are illegible. You will receive a tax deductible contribution certificate
    and completed IRS Form 8283 for the amount of the bad check!! Do a good
    deed AND recoup some of your money!!! Mail check to: SCAACI * 303 Algonquin
    Trail * Browns Mills, NJ 08015. For organization details, visit
    www.treymanda.wsmcafe.com and click "Company Info".
    treymanda, Jan 7, 2004
  2. SCAMMERS!!!!!!!!!
    CaptainKrunch, Jan 7, 2004
  3. treymanda

    Ron Guest

    Ron, Jan 8, 2004
  4. treymanda

    Dave Kelsen Guest

    For what it's worth, in New Jersey (vs. Jersey) it's 'checks', not
    cheques. Supply your own sobriquet.

    Dave Kelsen
    Dave Kelsen, Jan 8, 2004
  5. For what it's worth, in New Jersey (vs. Jersey) it's 'checks', not
    To quote the late Winston Churchill, England and America are "two great
    nations separated by a common language".

    Stewart DIBBS
    Stewart DIBBS, Jan 10, 2004
  6. treymanda

    xxxxxxxx Guest

    the way it is.
    xxxxxxxx, Jan 11, 2004
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