Weak radio solution

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by KGT, May 11, 2005.

  1. KGT

    KGT Guest

    We just got a 2005 CRV and are mostly very pleased. the radio reception
    and the wimpy audio system is really hard to understand. its hard to
    believe a company as electronic savey as Honda in this day and age
    can't put a good radio in a $23K suv.
    What have you all done to rectify this Honda common problem?

    Kevin T
    KGT, May 11, 2005
  2. KGT

    Seth Guest

    They can, they just won't on a 23k vehicle. They put enough in so the
    vehicle ins't "incomplete". Top shelf stereos come in more expensive
    Upgrade. Start with better speakers and go from there.
    Seth, May 11, 2005
  3. KGT

    Bucky Guest

    $23K is entry-level for an SUV. They're not going to put their best
    audio in an entry-level vehicle.
    Bucky, May 11, 2005
  4. KGT

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Don't bother changing the speakers before you tell us whether it's the
    AM or fM that's not strong . . . Is the CD OK? Does the owner's manual
    say anything that was helpful? Have you asked the dealer to solve your
    (warranty) problem?

    motsco_ _, May 12, 2005
  5. The luxury Accord Hybrid comes with the worst radio I've seen since my
    parents owned cheap American family cars in the early 80s. Reception is
    marginal and the audio quality induces a headache. To top it off, the
    Accord radio is not replaceable because it integrates with the onboard
    computers. I would never have purchased the car had I known that I
    would be driving without music.

    Others have said it doesn't work, but I might be able to hack in an amp
    so I can at least hear music with the windows down. The trick is
    probably attenuating the noise canceler so it doesn't oscillate.
    There's nothing that can be done about the improper loudness
    compensation, distorted treble, and inability to handle FM multipath.
    Kevin McMurtrie, May 12, 2005
  6. KGT

    KGT Guest

    Thats the common Honda radio issue I've heard about. All my vehicles
    including sub $15K Ford & Toyota pickups had OK FM radios. They held NY
    FM stations which is crutial out here in the NW NJ hinterlands. They
    played clean and loud enough to be OK on trips. There is no correlation
    to car price / radio performance I know of . You just get more features
    but if the radio SUX it dosent matter!

    Kevin T
    KGT, May 12, 2005
  7. KGT

    RWM Guest

    The OEM audio in the 2005 CR-V SE is fine. Have you had yours checked?
    RWM, May 12, 2005
  8. KGT

    roadcyc Guest

    Can you say aftermarket?
    Blame it on focus groups and bean counters; you get what you pay for.
    This same argument could be made about the stereo in the $40k MDX, too.
    roadcyc, May 12, 2005
  9. KGT

    KGT Guest

    Please define fine. I cant hold FM channels that every other car radio
    I've owned can The tone sounds like a old Bose (no highs -no lows, must
    be Bose) wimpy wimpy
    KGT, May 12, 2005
  10. KGT

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Take a look at this thread:

    motsco_ _, May 12, 2005
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