Weird Corrosion in the float bowl

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by geek, Jan 11, 2007.

  1. geek

    geek Guest

    Hello all,
    A few months ago I reconditioned my 1986 Honda accord carburator. The
    original problem was caused by lots of white fluffy material floating
    around in the float bowl. I cleaned it very well, blew out the
    passages, replaced fuel filters, added a new clear filter two inches
    prior to the carburator inlet. Put it back in the car and with the
    help of you guys adjusted it to run again.

    Well it broke again, the exact same problem, white fluffy stuff
    floating around the float bowl clogging up the jets. The new clear
    filter is still clear as it was on day one.
    This time I looked more carefully into the float bowl.I let all the
    gasoline evaporate over night. It looks to me like the zinc float
    bowl is corroiding on the inside. My first guess was electrolysis from
    stray currents. I checked the idle cutoff solinoid for current
    leaks, and the electric choke for current leaks. Each one showed very
    high resistance to ground 40,000 ohms or more. So what is causing the
    rapid corrosion of the float bowl? The gasoline is not old, but we do
    use 10 percent alcohol in the gasoline. Has anyone every come across
    this proble and found a solution???


    geek, Jan 11, 2007
  2. geek

    jim beam Guest

    without seeing it, it's hard to say. does it dry to something hard and
    flaky/powdery? if so, it does indeed sound like corrosion. not sure
    what to suggest since fuel definitely shouldn't be causing this. you
    could try plating the insides with copper [from copper sulfate
    solution], but i doubt that would give a sufficiently coherent
    protection to prevent it. whatever you do, drain the tank and discard
    that fuel. refill with fresh fuel throughout.
    jim beam, Jan 11, 2007
  3. geek

    wpapps Guest

    It dried to a white flaky power stuff, which comes off easily.
    When removed, the under lying metal is discolored.
    I will drain all the gas, clean the carb, and reinstall when it gets a
    bit warmer in the North East.
    wpapps, Jan 11, 2007
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