Weird noise from back wheel

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by craw4d, Mar 23, 2005.

  1. craw4d

    craw4d Guest

    I have an 02 Accord Coupe, and just recently noticed a weird noise
    from my back, drivers side wheel.

    It sounds like a high pitched, metal on metal, grinding
    sound...usually only hear it at speeds of about 20+. It’s pretty
    faint so far. It doesn’t affect the driving any, but I just don’t
    want it to turn into anything worse.

    Any ideas?
    craw4d, Mar 23, 2005
  2. craw4d

    Remco Guest

    You didn't mention what type of brakes you have nor your milage.

    I'd inspect your brakes. Disc brakes have a little tab that is meant to
    make noise when they are ready to be replaced. Drums make noise when
    that is true, but often they have already ground down to the bare

    Remco, Mar 23, 2005
  3. craw4d

    Joseph Wind Guest

    It might be your wheel bearings. Jack the rear up and spin the wheel with
    your hand. You should feel a resistance at one point while spinning the
    wheel. That is a sign of a worn bearing. It's pretty easy to replace if
    you have the right tools. Don't forget to chock the front wheels and
    release the hand brake, before attempting this.

    Good Luck!
    Joseph Wind, Mar 26, 2005
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