What causes vapor lock in Honda Accord '90 and how to fix-it.

Discussion in 'Accord' started by RAQQQ, Aug 4, 2004.

  1. RAQQQ

    RAQQQ Guest

    Hi. My Honda Accord just gets vapor lock just about every time it is
    parked and the sun rays beam upon it. I got it again today. Didn't
    think it would be hot on it. Does anyone know how to get rid of the
    problem? Parking it in the shade works for me, however sometimes
    there are no shady spots! Thanks. RAQQQ
    RAQQQ, Aug 4, 2004
  2. Did you check fuel pressure to diagnose vapour lock?
    Steve Bigelow, Aug 4, 2004
  3. RAQQQ

    Guest Guest

    Fuel injected, with a pressurized fuel rail? And a fuel pump inside the

    Doubt it is vapor lock:

    Vapor lock occurs when the vapor pressure of the fuel
    is higher than the surrounding environment. In older
    vehicles, with "sucking" fuel pumps close to the engine,
    the pressure in the fuel line to the tank is reduced by the
    sucking action of the fuel pump drawing fuel form a fuel
    tank nearly ten feet away, and when heated, the gasoline
    may actually boil creating a vapor of gasoline which the
    fuel pump cannot handle, thus the name "vapor lock"; i.e.
    it occurs when the fuel pump, which is designed to pump
    liquid, loses suction as it tries to pump fuel vapour.
    In most modern vehicles, the fuel pump is submerged
    in the fuel tank and pumping (pushing) fresh, cool fuel
    all the time towards the engine, with a return line allowing
    excess fuel (and possible vapour) to return to the tank.
    No long suction line here.

    What are the symptoms? Could it be the master relay
    with an intermittent solder joint?


    Give more symptoms, etc to help troubleshoot.
    Guest, Aug 4, 2004
  4. RAQQQ

    John Ings Guest

    What makes you think it's vapour lock? In general, fuel injected cars
    don't suffer from vapour lock because fresh fuel from the tank is
    constantly replacing fuel recirculating back from the pressure
    regulator near the fuel rail.

    Maybe you have a main relay problem:
    John Ings, Aug 4, 2004
  5. RAQQQ

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Read my post this morning "re: 1990 Civic Starting problems". . . . it's
    your main relay, as John Ings has pointed out.

    motsco_ _, Aug 4, 2004
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