What Could be Causing My Tire To Do This?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Steve Lee, Jul 29, 2003.

  1. Steve Lee

    Steve Lee Guest

    Took a day trip just this past Sunday to an out of town destination
    with a family friend of ours. They were following us on the highway to
    and fro and she mentioned how my rear left tire appeared to be flatter
    compare to the right rear tire.

    When she first told me this at our first washroom stop at a gas
    station, I checked the pressures in both of the rear tires and they
    were exactly the same. So, I told her to keep her eyes on the tires
    and report to me again once we arrive at the destination. The funny
    thing is, when parked, the tires look pretty much identical to me.
    The left one didn't seem flatter or under inflated at all compared to
    the right one.

    So, I took my car to a Goodyear dealer today and had a technician
    check out the tire and he told me that he couldn't find anything wrong
    with the tire at all. I have Goodyear Integrity on my Pilot.

    I was thinking if this tire problem only manifests itself at
    relatively high temperatures, such when travelling on a highway and
    perhaps that is why I had experienced a sustained vibration during a
    previous highway travel which I had posted about in here. On the day
    trip I just took though, the vibration didn't seem to be there. It
    was kind of hard to tell because of uneven roads, but didn't
    experience the same vibration as I did during another highway travel I
    had before.

    What are your thoughts on this? What else can I do to make sure that
    there are no tire or related problems here? Can an alignment problem
    have made my rear left tire look flatter than the right one on the
    highway? TIA!
    Steve Lee, Jul 29, 2003
  2. Steve Lee

    Rex B Guest

    |Took a day trip just this past Sunday to an out of town destination
    |with a family friend of ours. They were following us on the highway to
    |and fro and she mentioned how my rear left tire appeared to be flatter
    |compare to the right rear tire.
    |When she first told me this at our first washroom stop at a gas
    |station, I checked the pressures in both of the rear tires and they
    |were exactly the same. So, I told her to keep her eyes on the tires
    |and report to me again once we arrive at the destination. The funny
    |thing is, when parked, the tires look pretty much identical to me.
    |The left one didn't seem flatter or under inflated at all compared to
    |the right one.

    Um...how big a' old boy are ye?
    Rex B, Jul 29, 2003
  3. Steve Lee

    Rex B Guest

    |Took a day trip just this past Sunday to an out of town destination
    |with a family friend of ours. They were following us on the highway to
    |and fro and she mentioned how my rear left tire appeared to be flatter
    |compare to the right rear tire.
    |When she first told me this at our first washroom stop at a gas
    |station, I checked the pressures in both of the rear tires and they
    |were exactly the same. So, I told her to keep her eyes on the tires
    |and report to me again once we arrive at the destination. The funny
    |thing is, when parked, the tires look pretty much identical to me.
    |The left one didn't seem flatter or under inflated at all compared to
    |the right one.

    Um...how big a' old boy are ye?
    Rex B, Jul 29, 2003
  4. Steve Lee

    Xavier Guest

    How much do you weigh?
    Xavier, Jul 29, 2003
  5. Steve Lee

    Xavier Guest

    How much do you weigh?
    Xavier, Jul 29, 2003
  6. Steve Lee

    Dan Drake Guest

    There's your problem. Get a second opinion from a male. Seriously.
    Dan Drake, Jul 29, 2003
  7. Steve Lee

    Dan Drake Guest

    There's your problem. Get a second opinion from a male. Seriously.
    Dan Drake, Jul 29, 2003
  8. Steve Lee

    Uncle Mike Guest

    good point, with everyone out of the car, it would look OK, with
    5 of buds headed to a fishin' camp, that could be a 1000 lbs. Or
    Uncle Mike, Jul 29, 2003
  9. Steve Lee

    Uncle Mike Guest

    good point, with everyone out of the car, it would look OK, with
    5 of buds headed to a fishin' camp, that could be a 1000 lbs. Or
    Uncle Mike, Jul 29, 2003
  10. Steve Lee

    E. Meyer Guest

    Assuming the tires are up to the recommended pressure and there are no other
    symptoms (shaking at highway speeds would indicate an unbalanced or out of
    round condition that could be trouble), there is nothing wrong. Was there
    perhaps a large adult sitting in the left rear seat at the time?
    E. Meyer, Jul 29, 2003
  11. Steve Lee

    E. Meyer Guest

    Assuming the tires are up to the recommended pressure and there are no other
    symptoms (shaking at highway speeds would indicate an unbalanced or out of
    round condition that could be trouble), there is nothing wrong. Was there
    perhaps a large adult sitting in the left rear seat at the time?
    E. Meyer, Jul 29, 2003
  12. Steve Lee

    Steve Lee Guest

    Right, I should've included this info in the original post. In our
    car, there was me and the wife in the front and I weight about 200lbs
    and my wife about 120lbs. Then in the second row, there were 2 kids
    aged 6 and in the third row, there were 2 kids 8 and 10. There was no
    cargo to speak of since it was just a day trip. Thanks.
    Steve Lee, Jul 29, 2003
  13. Steve Lee

    Steve Lee Guest

    Right, I should've included this info in the original post. In our
    car, there was me and the wife in the front and I weight about 200lbs
    and my wife about 120lbs. Then in the second row, there were 2 kids
    aged 6 and in the third row, there were 2 kids 8 and 10. There was no
    cargo to speak of since it was just a day trip. Thanks.
    Steve Lee, Jul 29, 2003
  14. Steve Lee

    Steve Lee Guest

    I should've included this info in the original post. In our
    car, there was me and the wife in the front and I weight about 200lbs
    and my wife about 120lbs. Then in the second row, there were 2 kids
    aged 6 and in the third row, there were 2 kids 8 and 10. There was no
    cargo to speak of since it was just a day trip. Thanks.
    Steve Lee, Jul 29, 2003
  15. Steve Lee

    Steve Lee Guest

    I should've included this info in the original post. In our
    car, there was me and the wife in the front and I weight about 200lbs
    and my wife about 120lbs. Then in the second row, there were 2 kids
    aged 6 and in the third row, there were 2 kids 8 and 10. There was no
    cargo to speak of since it was just a day trip. Thanks.
    Steve Lee, Jul 29, 2003
  16. Steve Lee

    Steve Lee Guest

    Right, I should've included this info in the original post. In our
    car, there was me and the wife in the front and I weight about 200lbs
    and my wife about 120lbs. Then in the second row, there were 2 kids
    aged 6 and in the third row, there were 2 kids 8 and 10. There was no
    cargo to speak of since it was just a day trip. Thanks.
    Steve Lee, Jul 29, 2003
  17. Steve Lee

    Steve Lee Guest

    Right, I should've included this info in the original post. In our
    car, there was me and the wife in the front and I weight about 200lbs
    and my wife about 120lbs. Then in the second row, there were 2 kids
    aged 6 and in the third row, there were 2 kids 8 and 10. There was no
    cargo to speak of since it was just a day trip. Thanks.
    Steve Lee, Jul 29, 2003
  18. Steve Lee

    Tony Hwang Guest

    Same thought here. May be a big moose was sitting on that side?
    I have a neighbor whose whole family is OVER weight.
    When they sit in their little Toyota, the car lists 30 degs. to
    one side, LOL. Good thing it is a car. If it were horse, the animal's
    back would've been broken.
    Tony Hwang, Jul 30, 2003
  19. Steve Lee

    Tony Hwang Guest

    Same thought here. May be a big moose was sitting on that side?
    I have a neighbor whose whole family is OVER weight.
    When they sit in their little Toyota, the car lists 30 degs. to
    one side, LOL. Good thing it is a car. If it were horse, the animal's
    back would've been broken.
    Tony Hwang, Jul 30, 2003
  20. Steve Lee

    John Guest

    There's the solution. You've got almost 550 lbs loading the tires up, and
    more than likely you didn't compensate for your extra 80 lbs on one side.
    John, Jul 30, 2003
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