what happen?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by gabriel, Oct 30, 2004.

  1. gabriel

    gabriel Guest

    I have a 98 Honda civic LX 30,650 miles. Two days ago the check engine
    light went on and i brought it to a local auto repair shop and they found
    out that the O2 sensor need to be replace which causing the light to turn
    on. So i let them fixed my car. On my way home about 10 minutes after i
    got my car from the repair shop my CV boots or axle boots explode which
    hit the bottom of my car transmission and created a hole in it which
    caused all the oil inside to leak. Luckily,(i dont know if i can call that
    a luck)it happen infront of another auto repair shop. Thankfully those
    people in that auto shop helped me pull it on the side of the road
    (because i stopped in the middle of the road) and I let them looked what
    went wrong... that's where we found out that my CV boots disintegrated...
    My question is... Is it possible that those mechanics on the first auto
    shop where i brought my car intentionally loosen any parts of my car (cv
    boots)to make it look like my car has a big problem? Bcoz before i went
    there my car runs in good condition. To fix my car it gonna cost me $1,700
    and my car doesnt have any warranty at all....???
    gabriel, Oct 30, 2004
  2. gabriel

    disallow Guest

    1700 to CV boots? Sounds fishy. To do the boots on my
    girlfriends car (87 prelude), even after the balljoint popped
    and it cost $75 for new boots. Even if you had to replace
    the driveshafts entirely, you shouldn't be looking at more
    than $500 - $700 including labor, and that is a really high

    There must be something else wrong, or they are taking you
    for a ride.

    disallow, Oct 30, 2004
  3. gabriel

    Abeness Guest

    Did you read the part about the hole in his transmission that caused the
    tranny fluid to leak out??
    Abeness, Oct 31, 2004
  4. gabriel

    Pars Guest

    A double wishbone suspension blowing it's axle in that manner is highly
    unusual. There should have been gradual signs (clunking while trying to
    turn) before the axle actually came off.

    If your car was bought used, then anything is possible. If you are the
    original owner and it's never seen an accident, then I'd suspect a third
    party catalyst.

    The most suspicious aspect of your post is a 98 car with only 30K that has
    not been dealer maintained.

    98 Civic Hatch
    Pars, Oct 31, 2004
  5. CV joints, even when there is no boot on them, will not self destruct
    within 10 minutes of driving. Before you took your car in to be repaired
    were there grinding noises coming from the front end when you made a turn?
    This really sounds like a coincidence to me.
    Alex Rodriguez, Nov 1, 2004
  6. gabriel

    gabriel Guest

    no i did'nt hear any grinding noise bfore i took my car into the auto
    shop...i only heard that noise when i took a right turn and there
    boomm..... it happen....
    gabriel, Nov 3, 2004
  7. gabriel

    gabriel Guest

    nope there is no sign at all?? my car runs in good condition except for
    that engine light that turned on....i didnt see that coming....whenever i
    see a minor problem in my car i see to it that its gonna be fix bfore it
    going to be a major one.. tnx anyway for your reply.... i appreciate it...
    gabriel, Nov 3, 2004
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