What happens when balancer belts rips and snaps?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Tibur Waltson, May 26, 2004.

  1. I am hoping to prevent a premature balancer belt snapping
    on one particular car to was called to inspect. After opening
    the top cover I can see an old but functional balancer belt,
    probably 40K mi. overdue.

    What's the best way to know when a balancer timing belt is
    about to snap or is in the process of snapping? And, what is
    the chance of having a severe valve damage on an interference
    engine like the '92 Honda Accord if the balancer belt snaps?
    Any guess?

    Tibur Waltson, May 26, 2004
  2. Balancer belt???? Do you mean timing belt? On a Honda if the belt
    snaps chances are very good you will do damage to the valves.
    Alex Rodriguez, May 26, 2004
  3. Tibur Waltson

    Bruce Chang Guest

    There is a balancer belt. It should be changed when you change the timing
    belt. Chances are if the balancer belt dies, it will get caught in the
    teeth of the timing belt and do the same damage as if the timing belt
    Bruce Chang, May 26, 2004
  4. Tibur Waltson

    Larry Smith Guest

    If it snaps, engine vibration picks up. The balancer belt is often
    separate from the timing belt, and breaking the one will not necessarily
    destroy the other. I have seen this happen, and the car ran for ages
    without any problem, BUT as Bruce mentioned, there is the chance that
    the remains of the ruined belt could foul something else up.
    Larry Smith, May 26, 2004
  5. Tibur Waltson

    E. Meyer Guest

    The balancer belt does not have anything to do with the valves. It just
    spins a shaft that offsets the vibrations of the engine. Replace it at the
    same time you change the timing belt. I think it's 60k miles on a '92.

    If the timing belt breaks, the valves stop moving and the pistons smash into
    the ones that were open when they stopped.
    E. Meyer, May 26, 2004
  6. Tibur Waltson

    motsco_ _ Guest


    Bruce Chang is correct.

    The balancer belt is half way up the front of the engine... if it snaps
    and falls, it will hitch a ride thru the space normally traveled by the
    timing belt. Honda has not made provision for any extra stuff to travel
    in that carefully designed space, so the timing belt will break
    IMMEDIATELY, which will allow the pistons to forcibly expell the valves
    that get in their way. Under the right circumstances, parts of the
    engine will be scattered on the highway.

    Carry an empty 'peach basket' in the back seat of the vehicle and some
    rags. Do a search for the terms 'peach basket honda' . . . Good

    motsco_ _, May 26, 2004
  7. Tibur Waltson

    motsco_ _ Guest

    ++++++++++++ Here's the 'peach basket' link:

    motsco_ _, May 26, 2004
  8. Tibur Waltson

    Chip Stein Guest

    I am hoping to prevent a premature balancer belt snapping
    the balance shaft belt has almost no load on it, if it's coming
    apart look for interference with something else, like front balance
    shaft gear on backwards, it can be done.
    if it breaks and doesn't get into the timing belt, the engine will
    just vibrate more.
    Chip Stein, May 27, 2004
  9. Tibur Waltson

    Nate Nagel Guest

    I do know however that at least on Porsche motors a snapped balance belt
    has been known to take the timing belt with it. This is Not Good. Not
    sure if teh same applies to Hondas or not.

    Nate Nagel, May 27, 2004
  10. Tibur Waltson

    bob Guest

    Just based on the reponses here, if I had posted the original question, I would
    plan on changing the balancer belt as soon as I could. If that were several
    weeks or several hundred miles away, I would make a judgment call on the
    conditon of the old belt. If I thought "it could go at any time" I'd remove it
    (if not easily removed, cut it and pull it out) as it sounds like there is a
    higher risk of engine damage letting it break than there is to run without it
    for awhile... just my opinion though.....and I don't earn a living working on
    bob, May 27, 2004
  11. Tibur Waltson

    HLS Guest

    The one on my daughters car failed and, of course, she didn't notice it
    for a long time. When we tore it down, she was lucky in that it just
    left what looked like dental floss. Didn't take the other belt, but
    easily could have.

    The point I am trying to make is that she drove it without the balance
    shaft working for a long time without any harm. (Heck, she drove it
    for a year without checking the oil, of which there was nearly NONE
    when I spotted it.)
    HLS, May 27, 2004
  12. Tibur Waltson

    disallow Guest

    does a 98 civic have a balancer belt? never seen it....
    disallow, May 29, 2004
  13. Tibur Waltson

    mike Guest

    nope. accord- bigger motor.
    mike, May 29, 2004
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