what is the correct antifreeze for a 1993 Honda Civic??????!!?

Discussion in 'Civic' started by mark smith, Oct 21, 2003.

  1. mark smith

    mark smith Guest

    I have read the post about the honda antifreeze controversy. I went to the
    Honda dealer in Fairbanks and the don;t even carry the red stuff. They told
    me they use plain old green antifreeze and have for years even in the new
    Hondas when the are winterized. Still I am wondering why Honda would say to
    use their particular brand???? I've read that the orange Dex-cool will
    corrode brass and copper???? but is OK for aluminum.
    I know in boiler systems, (like in homes) that the boiler coolant needs to
    be checkd for acidity and low temp protection, just like in a car... and
    that if it gets acidy it can corrode the cast iron ina boiler...

    I also know I ran pure water in a boiler for 18 years and finally drained it
    to replace the heat exchanger and the inside of the boiler was clean as a
    whistle...still I refilled with antifreeze in case the power ever goes off
    and every thing freezes up.

    ANyway back to the Honda antifreeze . How can I get genuine Honda antifreeze
    here in Fairbanks????

    Also, one other question, I asked the HOnda dealer how much to R&R the
    timing belt. I told them I didn;t want to attempt it myself for fear of
    getting the belt off one tooth and damaging the valves.(though I have
    timing belts on TOyota tercels.) Ironically, the service manager looked
    funny and then told me they( the dealer just haad that very problem. THe
    Honda dealership mechanic just changed the timing belt , got it a few teeth
    off and trashed the valves before he figured it all out. Now the dealer is
    trying to figure out what to do. Needless to say I left the dealer not
    impressed at all.
    I found another shop who says they will change the belt for me. I asked them
    to change the water pump, seals, tensioners and all the belts and hoses ast
    the same time they are in there.... this is a 1993 Civic EX with 57,000 but
    I don;t know the history of the car too well... "Froze-up in Fairbanks"
    mark smith, Oct 21, 2003
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