what is the cost to replace the engine on 1998 Accrod LX, V4 ?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by snnguyen, Apr 17, 2006.

  1. snnguyen

    snnguyen Guest

    I need some advice to compare the cost to replace the engine in my 1998 Honda
    Accord, V4 ?

    My car still runs fine since it is maintained by Honda dealer but it makes
    some noise. If we want to keep the car for a couple more years, should we
    replace the engine or not ?

    Thank you much.
    snnguyen, Apr 17, 2006
  2. snnguyen

    jmattis Guest

    Noise? What noise? What does your dealer say the noise is? How many
    miles on it?

    If the engine doesn't seem as quiet as it used to, try 10W30 oil, or a
    different brand if already using it. The dealer may be using 5W20.

    If you have a 4 cylinder engine, it is an I-4, not a V4.

    if it still runs fine, there's absolutely no reason to spend thousands
    to replace it. What makes you think all those connections to wires,
    hoses, other parts will be done right?

    Engines get relatively few miles in Japan, if you did replace it, you
    can probably get a cheap, low mileage engine that has been imported
    from Japan. Search on the Internet. It's only worth it if you plan on
    years more ownership.
    jmattis, Apr 17, 2006
  3. snnguyen

    Jason Guest

    Don't even consider replacing the engine until you determine how much
    money it will cost to have your engine repaired. If you are not a
    mechanic, I advise you to take the car to your favorite mechanic and have
    him or her figure out the source of the noise. It's possible there is a
    simple solution such as adjusting the timing. You may want to consider
    trading in your car on a new car if you can't find a solution to the
    problem. That would be a better solution than replacing the engine.
    Jason, Apr 17, 2006
  4. snnguyen

    TeGGeR® Guest

    Inline-4, not "V4".

    Cost? At *least* a couple of grand for a good replacement.

    You don't replace a motor just because it's making a "noise".

    Mind describing the "noise" for us? Is the bottom end knocking because
    somebody ran it dry of oil?
    TeGGeR®, Apr 18, 2006
  5. snnguyen

    Jason Guest

    If you take the car to a mechanic, ask him or her to place the car on a
    lift and take a close look at the exhaust system. There may be holes or
    damage--or the muffler might need to be replaced. Also, the mechanic
    should hook the engine up to a Diagnostic Computerizied Engine Tester to
    determine if there are problems.
    If you decide to trade in the car on a new one--check the decibels (dBA)
    of any vehicles that you test drive. The salesman should be able to
    provide the dBA levels of all new cars. You may be able to find out that
    sort of info. on the internet by conducting a google search. For example,
    they may have that info. at roadandtrack.com
    Does anyone else know where snnguyen can find out the dBA levels of new cars?
    Jason, Apr 18, 2006
  6. Hello:

    Thank you for your advice. My car seems fatigued climbing uphill and the
    engines labors. That is the engine noise not muffler or exhaust noise.

    Thank you.
    snnguyen via CarKB.com, Apr 18, 2006
  7. snnguyen

    Jason Guest

    The only way to determine if there is something wrong with your engine is
    for you to take the vehicle to a mechanic and have him or her hook it up
    to the computerized engine tester. The mechanic will tell you if the tests
    indicate any problems your engine may have. He or she should also
    determine the source of engine noise. You should not replace the engine
    unless the engine in your car has a major problem so as a cracked block.
    Almost all 4 cyld. engines struggle when going up all hills--that's one of
    the reasons people buy cars that have 6 cyld. and 8 cyld engines. The
    engine in your car has much more power than the engines in Civics and
    other small cars.
    Jason, Apr 18, 2006
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