What is this noise?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by NB, Dec 1, 2007.

  1. NB

    NB Guest

    I drove over a pothole today, and immediately after that, I heard
    something rolling around -- sounded like it came from inside the
    dashboard, right behind the steering wheel. I heard the rolling sound
    a few more times, when I made turns. Any idea what that could be?
    The car (a 97 Accord) seems to be operating fine still.
    NB, Dec 1, 2007
  2. NB

    motsco_ Guest


    Old psychiatry joke follows:

    You've lost your marbles.

    motsco_, Dec 1, 2007
  3. NB

    motsco_ Guest


    Old psychiatry joke follows:

    You've lost your marbles.

    motsco_, Dec 1, 2007
  4. NB

    Studemania Guest

    I was thinking he lost his bearings in a GPS system.<g>

    Realy, does it sound like it's sphericalor maybe with edges, like a
    Studemania, Dec 1, 2007
  5. NB

    Studemania Guest

    I was thinking he lost his bearings in a GPS system.<g>

    Realy, does it sound like it's sphericalor maybe with edges, like a
    Studemania, Dec 1, 2007
  6. NB

    MLOM Guest

    Sounds like he has a screw loose. :^)

    Really...a screw used on one of the many items in the dash may have
    been working loose (the car's 11 years old) and may have finally
    dislodged upon hitting the pothole. A good crawl under the dash with
    a flashlight and some prodding around may find the cause.
    MLOM, Dec 1, 2007
  7. NB

    MLOM Guest

    Sounds like he has a screw loose. :^)

    Really...a screw used on one of the many items in the dash may have
    been working loose (the car's 11 years old) and may have finally
    dislodged upon hitting the pothole. A good crawl under the dash with
    a flashlight and some prodding around may find the cause.
    MLOM, Dec 1, 2007
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