What is VTEC-II ?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by John Laird, Aug 7, 2003.

  1. John Laird

    John Laird Guest

    I have a 2001 UK Civic 1.6 (7th generation 5-door hatch). The engine code
    is D16V1, but I have not been able to track down any detailed technical
    information about it. It is claimed to be a SOHC VTEC-II design, power and
    torque being relatively modest at around 110bhp and 105lb/ft (from memory).
    Max power is below 6000rpm, and max torque is just over 4000rpm. Economy
    seems to be the primary objective (we have two sporty 2.0litre models
    available with 160/200bhp). I am getting 39-43mpg (our big gallons) fairly
    consistently in mixed driving, and the engine is not unduly straining below

    If this is a derivative of the VTEC-E, then the transition is very well
    masked compared to a 1.5 that I drove some years ago (you didn't really need
    the light on the dash to tell you both inlet valves had opened as there was
    a noticeable "push"). I cannot honestly detect any real change to the
    engine's character as it revs, particularly with the a/c off. With it on, I
    think I can feel something around 1800rpm and again at 3600rpm, but I wonder
    if this is not the a/c clutch doing something. (My car also has climate
    control, and the a/c kicks in and out quite frequently.)

    I have been all over Google, visited the temple of vtec, etc, but
    information on this engine derivative is practically non-existent. I'd be
    grateful for any pointers, if only to satisfy a nagging curiosity as to
    what's going on under the cam cover !
    John Laird, Aug 7, 2003
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