What is VTEC?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by User, Jan 7, 2006.

  1. User

    User Guest

    Yeah, I know it's some sort of variable valve timing. But exactly
    what is it as implemented in my 2006 Civic LX? I've done a lot of
    searching on the web, but I can't find my answers.

    When does it activate? Is it a smooth, continuous action, or is it a
    step change in configuration at some engine speed? Is it somehow
    changing the fulcrums of the rocker arms? Is it rotating cam lobes on
    the cam shafts? Is it rotating the cam shaft relative to the pully
    driven by the timing belt? Is it selecing different cam lobes? Is it
    a change of the valve lift? Opening only? Closing only? Is its
    activation a function of engine speed only, or load, throttle
    position, airflow, etc.? Is it done with solenoids in the head, or is
    oil pressure used?

    Any pointers to detailed engineering descriptions would be greatly

    User, Jan 7, 2006
  2. Generally above a certain rpm which might vary slightly depending on
    load - computer decides.
    You won't be able to detect the transition. At most a slight change
    in engine sound.
    An entirely different cam profile is engaged. How that actually
    varies the valve operation may be different from model to model.
    Not sure of all the factors, but primarily rpm.
    Solenoids (I think) redirect oil pressure which drives a pin to lock
    cam followers together. When locked, the valves follow the profile of
    the most aggressive cam which, at other times, is unconnected to the
    Gordon McGrew, Jan 7, 2006
  3. User

    TeGGeR® Guest

    (User) wrote in

    The best one?

    And a very useful pointer indeed is here:
    Type in thgese search terms exactly (including the quotes):
    "how vtec works"

    Two that came up when I did just that:
    http://honda_fans.tripod.com/vtec-info.html (has cool animation)
    and my own page:
    TeGGeR®, Jan 7, 2006
  4. Maybe with the VTEC that's in the new engines, but in my 92 Si and my 02
    Odyssey? You can tell. Man, in the Odyssey, when VTEC comes on, it's
    F1 time.

    That van has way more than 240hp. Honda just hates to admit it. That's
    the only explanation for that van's performance.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jan 7, 2006
  5. User

    Me Guest

    GOOGLE http://auto.howstuffworks.com/question229.htm

    Not too complicated is it!

    VTEC 10 years ago and today is the same. Only slight adjustments to improve
    power or feul consumption have been made since. But the basic are the same.
    Me, Jan 7, 2006
  6. Not *quite*.
    Elmo P. Shagnasty, Jan 7, 2006
  7. I have a '94 GS-R. I can hear the engine change timbre at a certain
    point but I understand that is due to a switch over in intake runners.
    Otherwise, I couldn't pinpoint any change. In other words, Jeckle
    does turn into Hyde but I cant say exactly when.
    Gordon McGrew, Jan 8, 2006
  8. User

    Me Guest

    VTEC 10 years ago and now is the same principle or it would not be called
    VTEC. Only adjustments to the VTEC configuration make either improvement in
    performance or feul economy. As an example, the VTEC-E. Same priniple but
    the setting are differenent. VTEC kicks in at 2500 RPM. You don't feel it
    when it does kick in.
    I don't know how a VTEC back then could be different from today.
    Me, Jan 8, 2006
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