what the hell is an acura

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by froglewis, May 1, 2004.

  1. froglewis

    dold Guest

    There was some junk in the early notes, yours included, but I saw a few
    answers before George's "US-Centric" snipe.
    You are right, though. A Google would have turned up acura.com as the
    first hit, and honda-acura.net as the second hit.

    www.acura.com might even have been a pretty good guess right off the bat,
    without a search. That would have given the "about" information
    This doesn't blatantly line up the Honda models verses the Acura models for
    comparison, but there are pictures ;-)

    I might even have asked "What the heck is a Sterling?". But I would have
    added that I had never seen one in the US, allowing the audience here to
    explain that it was a UK phenomenon. Google wasn't around when I saw a
    Sterling on the road, but Google works now.
    dold, May 5, 2004
  2. You seem to be unclear about what "before" means on Usenet. I am not
    prescient and cannot predict that a suitable reply is somewhere in prep. or
    in the communication channel which just *might* pre-date/time mine. on any
    given newserver.

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, May 6, 2004
  3. froglewis

    dold Guest

    Not at all. I do presume it's faster now than relayed 1200 baud modems.
    But, anyway, there was a lack of country-of-origin identification from the
    original poster, and a corresponding lack of intelligence in some of the

    Not that I added much, other than a parallel comparison from years ago.
    When I saw the Sterling, my first thought was that it was an Acura Legend.
    When I asked someone about it and they said "I know what a Honda Legend is,
    but I don't know what an Acura is", I drew some conclusions.
    dold, May 6, 2004
  4. froglewis

    Erik Guest

    Ancient japanese leprechaun
    Erik, May 6, 2004
  5. froglewis

    Tegger® Guest

    spake unto the masses in

    Unless you know how to read message headers, in which case the country was

    What if someone had asked "What's a Rover 600?" ;^)


    The Unofficial Honda FAQ

    How to find anything on the Internet or in Usenet Groups:
    Tegger®, May 7, 2004
  6. froglewis

    dold Guest

    That's not true. I saw easily that the account was at "btinternet" which
    might imply he is posting through a service in the UK, but that only
    suggests something about the country used as a reference for his question
    about Acura. Maybe he was on vacation in New York and saw one on the
    street. I certainly didn't change my ISP when I logged on and read news
    from Mongolia.

    What if he had been on AOL, or some other not-readily-recognizable ISP?
    Where am I today?
    I can't see much in the first picture at
    But the last sentence on the page is a pretty solid clue.
    dold, May 7, 2004
  7. froglewis

    Tegger® Guest

    spake unto the masses in

    That's not fair. You are using Linux, which suggests potential knowledge of
    routing, header manipulation and other issues most people have no idea

    Anybody as uninformed as to lack knowledge of how to use Google to find out
    what an Acura is, is unlikely to be able to specify routes or to know how
    to use NNTP servers not provided by their ISPs.

    Assuming your headers are not forged and you are not deliberately obscuring
    your source, you are using a server in or around San Jose, CA. This means
    it is likely that you are in that area. Port 80 is open on this machine,
    but 119 is not. At least not to external requests.


    The Unofficial Honda FAQ

    How to find anything on the Internet or in Usenet Groups:
    Tegger®, May 7, 2004
  8. froglewis

    dold Guest

    I think the server is located downtown San Jose. Or at some hosting site
    near there. But through the magic of internet...
    I am not in downtown San Jose. Not even a local call from home.
    On the other hand, a habit that I got into the BMW group was to include my
    area in the .sig, to give some frame of reference to topics that had
    geography associated with them, like discussions of good roads, or riding
    conditions and such.

    "rahul.net" might be geographically clueless. If you knew more about it,
    you might guess India. "us.com" might imply that I am in the US. But I've
    had the same ISP for 10+ years. I've moved out of the Bay Area, spent some
    time overseas... I still "post" from Downtown San Jose.
    dold, May 7, 2004
  9. froglewis

    Tegger® Guest

    spake unto the masses in

    Like...I...said... (in the portion of my post that thou didst snip).

    Netizens who are aware of the things you are aware of, and are capable of
    capitalizing on the sort of "tricks" that you are capable of, and are
    capable of using resources not spoon-fed to them via their ISP, are likely
    predisposed to search Google before asking in Usenet "what the hell is an

    Hence, my original assertion that a check of the OP's headers would yield
    the clue to his country is still valid. Remember, he never checked Google,
    Yahoo, AltaVista or any other search engine before asking his question.

    Question for *you* now: Where am *I* located?


    The Unofficial Honda FAQ

    How to find anything on the Internet or in Usenet Groups:
    Tegger®, May 8, 2004
  10. froglewis

    mike Guest

    mike, May 8, 2004
  11. froglewis

    dold Guest

    I snipped it because, capable or not, I shouldn't have to guess where you
    are, if the question that you are asking has some geo-political reference.
    What trick did I play?
    10 years ago, I signed up with an ISP with a local dialup. I still use
    that ISP. I don't live in that place anymore.

    When my daughter sends email to me from Mongolia, she uses AOL, and it
    "looks like" she's in New York. She's not very tricky, at least not
    I would really think more likely, but that's not the case in this thread.
    If it is geographically important, I suppose you'd make note of it.
    If I had to guess, I would say somewhere near Toronto.
    dold, May 8, 2004
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