what type of oil for spring in 2000 Honda Civic?

Discussion in 'Civic' started by Joe, Mar 30, 2008.

  1. Joe

    Polfus Guest

    "Jim Beam" is an asshole.

    We both know it, so why the mystery when he offends yet another poster?

    All the dude had to say was the answer.

    If you fuckers really want to help folks, then just answer the damn
    questions and leave the attitudes in the toilet where it belongs.

    Now...I *know* you are rational, so read what I said again.

    Nothing towards you, Tegger...but be aware that if this is a *HELPUL*
    newsgroup, then its members should fucking act like it instead of a forum to
    practice pseudo-wit and bad sarcasm.

    And **** "Jim Beam"....especially since ETOH and driving don't mix too well.

    What a dumbass "handle"....idiot.

    $1000 that he asks how old I am again...because he is stuck in an early
    developmental stage and 3rd grade is what he relates to, no doubt.

    Polfus, Apr 4, 2008
  2. Joe

    Tony Harding Guest

    The car was probably stolen.
    Tony Harding, Apr 4, 2008
  3. Joe

    Joe Guest

    That's some threat Tegger. I hope you know that defending an idiot
    like Jim Beam is only going to alienate more people from using this
    forum. I'll ask another question here next week and you'll answer it
    dutifully like the monkey that you are because you, like Jim Beam,
    have nothing better to do with your time. I'll make sure to let you
    know that you answered my question too Tegger, since you'll have no
    idea it was in fact me, so you can understand what an innocuous threat
    you've just cast.
    Joe, Apr 4, 2008
  4. Joe

    Joe Guest

    I bought the car from a dealer and the Carfax seems to imply the car
    was repossessed.
    Joe, Apr 4, 2008
  5. Joe

    Tegger Guest

    I'm not defending anybody.

    I'm telling you that you're wasting your breath (or keystrokes).
    Tegger, Apr 4, 2008
  6. Joe

    Polfus Guest

    What the hell happened to you, Tegger?

    I *thought* you were a nice guy...looks like I was wrong.

    Polfus, Apr 4, 2008
  7. Joe

    Seth Guest

    What did Tegger do that wasn't nice other than A) help with the original
    question and B) offer some friendly advice?
    Seth, Apr 4, 2008
  8. Joe

    Polfus Guest

    Then leave, bitch.

    Polfus, Apr 4, 2008
  9. Joe

    Tegger Guest

    Let me be phrase this another way: you are making a fool of yourself with
    your persistence.

    I am happy to try help (as I did). I also did ignore the first few arrows
    aimed at jim beam.

    I only responded to the arrows after you ignored the sensible advice given
    you by Delbert Brecht.

    jim beam is jim beam. Insults from you (provoked or not) won't change him,
    and will just draw insults back.

    My point is that you need to move on; forget this fight. Speaking of
    which... I'm gone from this thread. I shouldn't have got involved in this
    part of it in the first place.
    Tegger, Apr 4, 2008
  10. Joe

    Polfus Guest

    Well now see..thats all relative to who's reading the threads.

    To the dude that simply asked what kind of oil....it looks like a big shit




    See how simple that shit is...just type 2 letters and two numbers and be
    done with it.

    BUT NO !

    Its always got to be some dumb ass response, as well as you not answering
    and asking the dude why he was asking the questions in the first place.

    Who gives a rats ass, man?!

    Just type "5W30"...and *YOU* let it go.

    Since when is it a posters responsibility to let go insults from the
    woodworks from asswipes like "Jim Beam"?

    I GUARANTEE if you or anyone else would just TYPE THE GODDAMN ANSWER instead
    of the bullshit, then this would be a great newsgroup full of people with no
    attitudes or grudges or chips on their shoulders.

    But it is NOT that newsgroup when fruitcake idiots type bullshit.

    What kind of newsgroup do you *really* want this to be?

    Just a forum for pricks to lavish info only when they feel proper "kneeling
    at the throne" is performed?

    And who the hell are you to call someone foolish when the dude never said
    shit to you to begin with?

    Thats a kick in the nuts, and you don't see it that way obviously.
    Yeah..and then you defended him, or it sure as hell seemed that way, when
    you decided to tell the original poster that you hope he never comes back
    here after he called "Jim Beam" for the insults.
    I didn't ignore a thing, as I never asked you a thing about a 2000 Honda
    Point is the hell with the dude, and why the hell you tolerate it is beyond
    Again...wouldn't be none if you loonies would just type the damn answer
    instead of all the diatribe.

    Polfus, Apr 4, 2008
  11. Joe

    Tegger Guest

    I'm going to break my own decision here and get involved again just this
    once more.

    On Monday the 31st, I said this to you:
    "Your car uses 5W-30 year-round. Do not use 5W-20 or 10W-30."

    Your questions WERE answered.
    Tegger, Apr 4, 2008
  12. Joe

    Polfus Guest

    Not to me, because I didn't ask you a thing.

    You do realize this, correct?
    Not before you asked:

    "May I ask...why you are asking these questions?"

    And not before you concluded with:

    "I hope you don't intend to come back here for advice in the future. Your
    attitude is not conducive to attracting the attention of those who can

    Polfus, Apr 5, 2008
  13. Joe

    Tegger Guest

    Apparently not.

    There are a number of people who post under different names, those names
    dependent on which computer they're posting from. At some point this
    fact led my defective eyes/brain to conflate Joe with Polfus.

    My confusion originally arose from this post by Joe:
    "I'll ask another question here next week and you'll answer it
    dutifully like the monkey that you are because you, like Jim Beam,
    have nothing better to do with your time. I'll make sure to let you
    know that you answered my question too Tegger, since you'll have no
    idea it was in fact me..."

    I replied to that, and the very next post was from Polfus. I figured Joe
    had morphed into Polfus, so I got fooled into thinking Polfus was
    actually Joe, nym-shifting in order to entice me into responding.

    Evidently I was mistaken.

    Plus -- and I should have checked this first -- the traces show that Joe
    appears to be in the Boston area, whereas you are somewhere near NYC.
    Different people, it seems now.

    Look, I don't want to pick fights with anybody. I'm sorry I confused you
    Tegger, Apr 5, 2008
  14. Joe

    jim beam Guest

    you're being very childish. there may be a reason for it, abuse for
    instance, but you'll never get treated like an adult if you don't behave
    like an adult.

    technically, it works like this: when two individuals interact, they go
    through the motions of talking. but on a basic level, there's also an
    assessment going on of what /type/ of interaction it is. adult to adult
    works best. but if one is being child-like, the interaction gets
    off-track because the other person [unless they too are child-like] is
    likely to be either disinterested or even hostile. [duh]

    so now for the bit you don't want to hear: when the "child" acts up and
    flings their teddy in the corner, they're going to get slapped down by
    pretty much anyone, particularly strangers. the danger is that the
    "child" then gets stuck in a negative feedback loop because when they
    need something, they're not getting it, and so when they get slapped,
    they act up even more, and get slapped harder. anger and frustration

    the only way out of this cycle is to step back and try to approach
    future interactions as an adult. if someone [you] wants help, they may
    not be able to give help right away, but acting like they will when they
    have the chance can make up for it. your action so far is to childishly
    demand attention, then offer nothing in return.

    now, with this knowledge, go back and re-read some of your transactions
    on this group. this is not a put-down. what you'll see is that you've
    had nothing but trouble getting what you want [and this probably extends
    to other real-life transactions you have as well], yet most other people
    here seem to have no problem. that causes anger, frustration, and
    increasingly bizarre behavior, but unfortunately, this makes the problem
    of trying to get a result worse, not better. so much so, that here you
    are, months later, still simmering with resentment at previous failures.

    move forward with this new information polfus. see if you can transact
    as an adult. and, just so you know, when someone asks you how old you
    are, they don't /really/ want to know your age, what they're saying is
    that you're being childish and that you need to stop because you ain't
    getting anywhere.
    jim beam, Apr 5, 2008
  15. Joe

    Polfus Guest

    Oh, shut up with your diatribe...you make me sick.

    Polfus, Apr 5, 2008
  16. Joe

    Polfus Guest

    Well thats okay...we all make mistakes.
    To be fair, he only said that *after* you said:

    "I hope you don't intend to come back here for advice in the future. Your
    attitude is not conducive to attracting the attention of those who can

    He responded to JiMbEaM, and then you jumped his shit.
    Again..no worries.
    Hey I still love you, but **** JimBeam and everything he represents.

    Polfus, Apr 5, 2008
  17. Joe

    Tony Harding Guest

    Happy puking!
    Tony Harding, Apr 7, 2008
  18. Someone who couldn't be bothered to make car payments probably couldn't
    be bothered to do car maintenance.
    Timothy J. Lee, Apr 12, 2008
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