What would you do regarding this servicing oversight?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by bristle, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. bristle

    jim beam Guest

    indeed. but i think that's the bit our bristly friend didn't want to
    hear - why take personal responsibility when you can play the blame
    game? simply label people that tell you what you don't want to hear
    "dysfunctional" and walk away with nothing!
    jim beam, Jan 25, 2010
  2. bristle

    News Guest

    Bingo. And walk away, unfortunately as a perpetual risk to others, too.
    News, Jan 25, 2010
  3. bristle

    Dillon Pyron Guest

    Thus spake bristle :
    Okay, here's my take.

    I check and retorque (as needed) about 500 miles after the tires have
    been off the car. Realistically you don't need to do that and, as you
    say, you don't have the skill set, nor, likely, the tools.

    I do check my pressure once a week, as well as my oil. You should be
    competent enough to check the oil as it's written in the owner's
    manual and all of the rods are well (VERY WELL) marked. Air pressure?
    I've always hated the pop up gauges, but my in-laws gave me a digital
    instant read that's great. Accurate (it reads to the tenth, I'm only
    worried about halves) and repeatable.

    When ever you walk up to your car in the open during the day, just
    walk around the car. You may not know what you're looking for right
    now, but in 3 or 4 months you'll know what's different, even if you
    don't know why.

    You're whining that "that's something I can't do" is just that, a
    little whine. It's your responsibility to take care of your car.
    Unless you believe in the nanny state.

    - dillon I am not invalid

    I love my country, It's my government I fear.

    Hey, turnabout's fair play.
    Dillon Pyron, Jan 28, 2010
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