What's That Whir Sound I Hear in My Integra ... ?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Integra LS, Mar 6, 2004.

  1. Integra LS

    Integra LS Guest

    Good Afternoon everyone,

    I have a 98 Acura Integra LS w/ Automatic tranny has 75K on it. When
    ever I start my car be it a cold start or just restarting as I turn
    left to pull out to the road I hear a small whirring sound. Any ideas
    what it could be ? Lately, my milage performance has been pathetic,but
    that could be due to my driving style. The whir happens everytime I
    put the car in the DRIVE and pull away and then "whir" for a second
    and then it stops no more sound for the rest of the drive. Any
    information anyone could provide would be awesome with this.

    Also, unrelated my brakes have been making a grinding noise when I
    brake lately and my stopping has been mediocre at best. Clues on that
    as well ?
    Integra LS, Mar 6, 2004
  2. Integra LS

    mike Guest

    the "whir" could be from the ABS pump? I hear it alot too (94 GSR).
    mike, Mar 6, 2004
  3. Integra LS

    Jim Yanik Guest

    (Integra LS) wrote in
    When's the last time you had the brake linings checked?
    You can look yourself,a Haynes or other service manual has thickness specs.
    You could also have a stuck/sticking caliper,if the wear is uneven between
    both pads on either side of the rotor.
    Best check them out,brakes are IMPORTANT!
    Jim Yanik, Mar 7, 2004
  4. ===============
    The manual describes the noise, but you should read up on it to
    determine of it's out of the ordinary. Have you tested your dash lamps
    to be sure they are working?


    'Curly Q. Links', Mar 7, 2004
  5. Integra LS

    IceCube Guest

    I had that as well on my 1991. However, it quickly goes away? If
    it sounds like a relatively loud squitch-whir it is the pump.
    IceCube, Mar 7, 2004
  6. Integra LS

    Lex Guest

    could be the poser steering pump or rack
    Lex, Mar 7, 2004
  7. Integra LS

    Barry S. Guest

    ABS modulator.. If it stays on long enough you should see an ABS
    light. It would sound like a semi-loud buzzing from the passenger
    side engine compartment..Could also be air in the system.

    Well, when the car starts up, the modulator pumps up pressure. The
    sound is normal.

    You need to have your brakes inspected immediately.

    Note: To reply, replace the word 'spam' embedded in return address with 'mail'.
    N38.6 W121.4
    Barry S., Mar 7, 2004
  8. It's the ABS pump - every time you start the engine, it'll activate to
    pressurize the modulator chambers when your speed gets to 6kph. It should
    last only a second or less unless your ABS system has a problem. You'll
    also hear it every time the ABS activates, for a longer time, depending on
    how long your in a skid condition.
    Check the rotors for scoring, corrosion or wear. A grinding noise is
    normal for the first few applications after being parked in wet/humid
    weather. If there is a lip of corrosion around the edge of the rotor
    (usual), the grinding can last longer, i.e. more applications. You can try
    taking that lip of corrosion off with a Dremel tool to see how much actual
    wear of the rotor there is, meaning how big the lip really is on the metal.

    I'll add here that the rear rotors on my '99 Integra GS corroded very
    badly, first noticed at <20K miles and it got worse with time. Eventually
    they became crusty and very badly scored, with only a few streaks of
    polished surface area from the pads. At ~40K miles, I recently replaced
    them with Brembo OE rotors and discovered that they had been the source of
    my "warped rotor" syndrome - surprising, since I'd assumed I had bad front

    Rgds, George Macdonald

    "Just because they're paranoid doesn't mean you're not psychotic" - Who, me??
    George Macdonald, Mar 7, 2004
  9. Integra LS

    Integra LS Guest

    Good work guys. The summary of the information each of you provide
    would explain why my brakes have had frequent changings. From what
    you've shared with me I'd like to ask several other questions on how
    to remedy the problem.

    1. Jim Yanik
    Brake linings... ? I'm not familiar with these and what would need to
    be done with them ? Would the mechanic be able to do this without too
    much trouble ?

    2. Curly Q Links
    Would you recommend having my braking fluid flushed to remove any air
    that maybe in the system ?

    3. Lex
    You said could be the poser steering pump or rack. What could be done
    about that or how can I check if it is that @ all? My handling has
    been sloppier lately,but I assumed from the brakes ? Any ideas on
    prices for parts and labor on a job like this ? It's already going to
    be a pretty penny for this brake job I seem looming on the verizon...

    4. George MacDonald
    I like your suggestion of the Brembo OEM Pads. What's a worst case
    scenario on a braking job (rotors,pads,calipers,etc) ? I'm honestly
    assuming the rotors themselves will need replacement all around. The
    back ones are definitely gone from your information you've given. How
    much would a job hourly wise be for replacing all the rotors and brake
    pads on my 98 Integra LS be ? I figure I'll buy those Brembo products
    you recommended and provide them to the mechanic to put on. Any other
    products you would recommend. Thanks for your help on this.

    Thanks again all for your help with this. You've all been extremely
    helpful. Now if anyone can help me get my milage to where it was when
    I first got this car I would be in heaven. Would valve adjustments
    help this out ? So that'll be my next question after this brake job
    has been done. How do I get my throttle response and gas mileage
    better to when I first got my car. Many Thanks !
    Integra LS, Mar 7, 2004
  10. Integra LS

    Jim Yanik Guest

    (Integra LS) wrote in
    Disc brake pads are easy to replace,any mechanic should be able to do it.If
    your rotors are too deeply grooved,you may need to replace the rotors,too.
    Rotors 'can' be lathe-turned to smooth them,BUT only once,then the rotor is
    too thin to be legally turned again,and some on this NG would rather just
    replace the rotors.
    The Haynes or other service manual will have the procedure for changing
    brake pads.
    Jim Yanik, Mar 7, 2004
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