where can i find existing hole in firewall to get to inside car

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jameskcheng, Nov 5, 2006.

  1. jameskcheng

    jameskcheng Guest

    hello. i have 1994 civic. where can i find an existing hole in the
    engine firewall to get wires inside to my car? does somebody have
    pictures they can show me? thanks!
    jameskcheng, Nov 5, 2006
  2. jameskcheng

    nm5k Guest

    Rotsa Ruck..I had to drill holes for mine. Drilled them on the floor
    just where it meets the firewall. There may be some holes with rubber
    plugs, but danged if I could find any free for usage.
    nm5k, Nov 5, 2006
  3. jameskcheng

    Rocinante Guest

    Open up one of your front doors all the way and examine any holes or cracks
    that could pass a wire through to the engine compartment. That's how I got
    a subwoofer power wire to the battery.

    It's amazing what a man can accomplish when he's not worried about who will
    get the credit.

    11/5/2006 6:17:30 AM
    Rocinante, Nov 5, 2006
  4. jameskcheng

    Eric Guest

    Sometimes you can use the holes which are already in use by other wire
    bundles. Remove the electrical tape on the engine side of the wire bundle
    on the firewall right where it goes through the firewall where it connects
    to the grommet. Give your new wires a light coat of silicone grease at the
    end to help get them started through the grommet of the wire bundle. Note
    that you'll be forcing this wire along the side of the existing wire bundle
    and not through the middle of it. Once you get the wire through, you can
    carefully pull it out to the length needed. Clean off any silicone grease
    which remains near the firewall grommet with some contact cleaner, let it
    dry, and then rewrap it with some fresh electrical tape to help seal out
    water from getting through the grommet.

    Eric, Nov 6, 2006
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