where is the clutch slave cylinder

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by rynniki, Sep 16, 2005.

  1. rynniki

    rynniki Guest

    where is the clutch slave cylinder at on a civic dx. is it near the clutch
    master cylinder and the brake master cyclinder, if you have a picture of
    it that would be great. that was replaced to a couple of months ago and if
    thats what is leaking its under warranty and where exactly are themp
    rynniki, Sep 16, 2005
  2. I don't have a picture but it's easy to locate. Follow the hydraulic line
    from the clutch master cylinder down to the front of the transmission - it
    ends at the clutch slave cylinder.

    Michael Pardee, Sep 17, 2005
  3. rynniki

    jim beam Guest

    item 9
    it's attached low down on the front of the transmission.
    item 17
    just under the distributor.
    jim beam, Sep 17, 2005
  4. rynniki

    rynniki Guest

    the cylinder is what was leaking the nut was loose but its fixed
    rynniki, Sep 17, 2005
  5. rynniki

    jim beam Guest

    great! after you've refilled the clutch reservoir, make sure you wash
    everything off with plenty of water and an old tooth brush - brake fluid
    will cause a lot of rust if it's left on steel componentry.
    jim beam, Sep 17, 2005
  6. rynniki

    rynniki Guest

    hey jim will the clutch fluid turn orange????
    rynniki, Sep 19, 2005
  7. rynniki

    jim beam Guest

    depends what color it was going in. there's nothing in the system that
    turns it that color afaik. you still having the problem?
    jim beam, Sep 19, 2005
  8. rynniki

    rynniki Guest

    lo the only he has to take it back today cause he forgot to tell them to
    refill the cylinder reserve for the clutch thats a little low from leaking
    i guess,if it keeps doing it i will take it back myself and tell them to
    put a new one. but i didnt know if brake fluid changes when it hits the
    ground or not. also how do you tell if a manual tranny is going up because
    i checked the drain plug adn the nut to check the tranny fluid and that was
    fine. i am just concerned because someone said manual tranny fluid is
    orange and i wanted to make sure that was not leaking or going bad...
    rynniki, Sep 19, 2005
  9. rynniki

    jim beam Guest

    you need to determine exactly which component this stuff is coming from.
    when the car has been standing & dripping, jack the front up so you
    can see underneath. do /not/ move the car before you do this!!! look
    upwards from the patch of fluid to identify which component has fluid on
    it, then get back to us.

    bottom line, there's only 2 types of oil and 2 types of "wet" fluids,
    brake fluid & coolant. and gas of course. smell should differentiate
    the first two [if you're using honda transmission fluid] and taste
    should differentiate the last two if they are water soluble. you /need/
    to do these tests for us to help you.
    jim beam, Sep 19, 2005
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