Where is the speedometer cable on a 1990 prelude with 4 WS??

Discussion in 'Prelude' started by harris1169, Nov 28, 2003.

  1. harris1169

    harris1169 Guest

    I was a chevy technician for 15 years, Now I'm working on honda's,
    The speedo quit working, I checked the Haynes manual for speedo cable
    location and it's not listed in the book, I've ck'd the firewall area
    and do not see where the darn thing comes thru, have also ck'd the
    transaxle and cannot see where the cable goes into the transaxle assy.
    Does this thing have a cable or a speedometer sensor ? either way any
    help would be greatly appreciated. I've looked all over the web for
    pictures of speedo cable location. The only other thing I can think of
    doing is pulling the cluster to see if I can disconnect from the back
    of the cluster.
    harris1169, Nov 28, 2003
  2. harris1169

    Randolph Guest

    Maybe http://tinyurl.com/wuqc will help. This site has all the parts
    drawings for pretty much any Honda ever made. Main URL is
    http://www.hondaautomotiveparts.com. Not a bad place to buy parts
    Randolph, Nov 28, 2003
  3. harris1169

    harris1169 Guest

    I pulled the instrument cluster out of the dash, there is no cable, so
    it must be a vehicle speed sensor. Does anybody know where the speedo
    sensor plugs in to the transmission ?
    harris1169, Nov 28, 2003
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