where's the THRILL in driving?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by BW, Oct 14, 2003.

  1. BW

    TJim Guest

    Jeez! No wonder no one here likes you. You're rude and obnoxious. If you
    would try once to be constructive, I bet it would make a world of

    Instead of declaring all Americans are fat pigs... Oh never mind. Get the
    hell out and stay out. You're hopeless.
    TJim, Oct 21, 2003
  2. BW

    TJim Guest

    LOL! Hey, Baudolino!! You're defending this a$$hole and he hates you, too.
    Do you still like him?

    Free is free. It means you can't be arrested for criticizing your
    government and you can move around as you wish. Calling all Americans "fat
    pigs" and saying you "hate all America" is just being a jerk. If you came
    here and don't like it, quit whining and get out. Go back home if it's so
    much better. We don't want you here. Go away. You're not contributing
    anything useful to our country or to civil society.
    TJim, Oct 21, 2003
  3. BW

    Baudolino Guest

    I don't know him, but he's a troll, and allthough annoying, I don't hate
    Ok, and how does that make the US special? As I said before, I think Leo is
    more raging against American arrogance, by describing some minor problems.

    Who is we? All Americans? I don't give a shit about a whiner more or less.
    He can stay as long as he wants (but please Leo, don't visit me).
    Baudolino, Oct 21, 2003
  4. BW

    Ingo Braune Guest

    yeah, right - but you're a bit one-sided on this one:
    The swiss were also happy to assist general motors and the ford motor
    company - for a small fee of course - in transferring corporate profits
    from there german branches during WW2, profits earned by selling trucks
    to the wehrmacht of course. This is a proven fact up to the time the US
    entered WW2, but there's rumour it went on a bit after that.
    Of course not,
    Well, we're over that in germany after all - government here already
    decided that private home-ownership for everybody is not desirable for -
    uhm, environmental reasons.

    Ingo Braune, Oct 21, 2003
  5. BW

    noyb Guest

    That used to be the case about 3 years ago.
    I was just reading that the FBI is picking on a 12 year old kid
    for researching the Bay Bridge.
    Be careful, John Ashcroft is watching.

    Were not as free as the Libertarian Party would like us to be.
    noyb, Oct 21, 2003
  6. BW

    TJim Guest

    1) I agree he's a troll. He got me caught up in this stupid argument, too.
    I don't intend to respond beyond this post. I seriously doubt that anything
    anyone says will change his stated opinions anyway.

    2) I agree, also, that Americans can come off as arrogant. I sometimes get
    a little arrogant, myself. I can't speak for others, but I apologize for my
    own occasional arrogance. Just don't call me a fat pig and wish for me to
    die of cancer and expect me to embrace you and welcome you into my home.
    (this is not addressed to anyone in particular. It is more a general

    3) You're right. I don't have the right or authority to speak for everyone,
    any more than Mr. Lee has the right to "bad mouth" all Americans. As you
    stated, "I don't give a shit about a whiner more or less", either. Leo Lee
    is not welcome in my home.

    4) I apologize to all involved for cross posting my replies. I hate it when
    some stupid troll gets a heated argument going in a highly cross posted
    theater, so, after this response, I'm out of here.

    Good Luck,
    TJim, Oct 21, 2003
  7. OK, so you basically admit that you don't know what you are talking
    about having never even been to the country that you think is so great.

    Seems to have improved to me over the last 20 years. How long have you
    lived here?

    What a feeble excuse. So you are basically saying you want to leave
    because things aren't good here but you can't because things are better
    here (GM truck) vs. somewhere else (30 MPH electric motor). You are
    just a fountain of reason and logic. Please leave before you pass on
    your genes to someone who will then grow up here among the rest of us.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Oct 21, 2003
  8. Yes, but you will be leaving soon, right?

    Matthew S. Whiting, Oct 21, 2003
  9. BW

    Bill Putney Guest

    Possibly that's an indication of the type of people that he's been
    hanging around with - might explain why he has such a low opinion of his
    present surroundings. But, he has already thought up his excuses of why
    he will remain a victim instead of acting on what he claims is necessary
    for true deliverance. For some reason he was able to get motivated to
    get here, but now that he's here, he can't seem to come up with the
    wherewithall to go to paradise Switzerland (like I said, excuses are
    already established). I guess it's our fault.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")

    Bill Putney, Oct 22, 2003
  10. BW

    Bill Putney Guest

    ROTFLSHIBATF!!! (I bet he can't translate *that*) That's the funniest
    thing I've read in a long time Jim! Thanks for making my day.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Oct 22, 2003
  11. BW

    Bill Putney Guest

    So none of a Swede's exhorbitant taxes goes towards paying for the
    socialized healthcare system? I seriously doubt that. Nice try.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Oct 22, 2003
  12. BW

    Leo Lee Guest

    Albert Einstein feared that America is going to be a facist society
    like Nazi Germany. The man of great mind was never wrong.
    Leo Lee, Oct 22, 2003
  13. Good Job Jimmie, spread the hate.

    Kevin in San Diego, Oct 22, 2003
  14. BW

    Leo Lee Guest

    Over 100 nation on earth you will not be punished for critisizing
    bitching whining against their govenrment. Don't be proud! The world
    more free and more democratic and more civic than your stolen nation
    ever going to be.

    YOu can help me out get out this ugly nation. TEll you government
    and tell
    Swizerland government offers me a job and place to live I would be so
    to leave this prison nation.

    Some day I will singing "Bye bye America! Bye bye the facist prison
    society! I'm finally in peace and free! I will never sad and fearful
    Leo Lee, Oct 22, 2003
  15. Sure you will as you appear to be a spineless person whose only ability
    is that of ranting against America. You will be fearful and pathetic no
    matter where you go. You need to look in the mirror to find your problem.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Oct 22, 2003
  16. BW

    c Guest

    HAHAHA, I get it now. You talk trash to everyone and then you expect them to
    HELP you? If you aren't a troll, you're a loser. People go and find their
    jobs, and they find a place to live. If you really want out so bad, then I
    would expect that you would have at least enough motivation to try. With all
    the time and energy you've wasted here, you could have been looking for a
    way to earn the money to get out of the USA, but some people would rather
    whine than take action.

    OH, and BTW

    c, Oct 22, 2003
  17. BW

    Leo Lee Guest

    I agree on that research but I doubt you understanding why American
    payment is so much high! Think clearly and logically, American
    payment must be HIGH in order to support the high paying healthcare
    from Nurse to the pharmacetual R & D workers. These high paying
    job must make hugh profit to protect their job at the expense of poor
    and underclass. AT the end, this high paying job is what America is
    all about. You wanna be part of America and American system??? YOu
    must get a high paying job, and healtcare system is providing at
    whatever the cost in order to maintain the status quo. Is this mean
    the best system the money can buy?
    Leo Lee, Oct 22, 2003
  18. BW

    Moitz Guest

    Leo Lee randomly babbled on 10/21/2003 7:47 PM:
    I call bullshit on this. And I work in the healthcare industry.

    Our healthcare costs are high because our gov't doesn't subsidize the
    crap out of it like most other countries. Kinda like why gas (or
    petrol, depending on what side of the pond you're from) is expensive in
    the U.K. and Europe, whereas it's very cheap here--our gov't subsidizes
    the oil industry.

    Your argument fails even the most simple of logic tests. "It's
    expensive because it's expensive is circular reasoning."

    Moitz, Oct 22, 2003
  19. Pack all there asses up and send them out of here .
    I was trying to keep from cusing all the more. It just burns me down to the
    bone when I here ass holes like that.
    CJimmie in Iowa, Oct 22, 2003
  20. I know that I shouldn't let people like him get me all ticked off ,but it
    just seems like these kind's of people are coming out of the wood work now
    days. I would no more go to another nation and tell them that they are all
    screwed up then the next decent person would. And these kinds of people just
    make me sick. Freedom of speech some how should not mean that you can stand
    on freedoms soil and then slap us in the face with there bull sh-t. To me
    it's like rubbing every veterans face in the mud. And it just is not fair to
    them. Not in my book...

    CJimmie in Iowa, Oct 22, 2003
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