where's the THRILL in driving?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by BW, Oct 14, 2003.

  1. This is not your "I hate America platform." Please try and keep it jeep like
    Leo, you are being a troll.
    You know, make posts like "why fat ass Americans make the right sides of
    your jeeps leaf springs sag" or something like that.
    Kevin in San Diego, Oct 23, 2003
  2. Check this out: www.taxpayer.com/Facts/International_Tax_Comparisons.pdf

    Sweden is the second most heavily taxed country ... behind Denmark and
    well ahead of the US which comes in 11th. Sweden's tax burden as a
    percentage of GDP is 50% higher than the US and Denmark is roughly twice
    as high.

    This is why we can afford to eat and drive cars! Which is about the
    only relevance this thread has to any of these ngs.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Oct 23, 2003
  3. It would be to the benefit of the American people if the US became as
    "ultra-capitalistic" as Sweden. i.e. fewer government-controlled
    monopolies, fewer government-owned companies and fewer laws and
    regulations that control every detail of what companies may or may not

    But all Americans I have discussed this with seem terrified about the
    idea of introducing a more free market system. A pity they don't see
    what gives more growth and higher living standards for everyone.
    Marcus Andersson, Oct 23, 2003
  4. BW

    Leo Lee Guest

    Your kind of American fat-ass argument is not going to make this
    better and makes wonder why you Americans are so fucking naive and
    ignorant. Your argument is like bipartians crap. Who wants to argue
    Conservative vs Liberal? It's same fucking bipartian talk like
    Democrat vs Republican talk. No wonder why you argument is fat-ass
    like Rush Limbaugh, the fat-ass drug addict.
    Albert Einstien was the greatest socialist mind ever to live. Oh yeah
    the fascist American accused the great mind as a communist.

    Hey I'm going to stop here I'm not wasting time to argue same fat-ass
    stupid naive American citizen.
    Leo Lee, Oct 23, 2003
  5. BW

    Leo Lee Guest

    You know you got the point there. Maybe the fat-ass is not
    I mean just for Americcan culture where so many fat-ass are
    that it is the NORM to be fat-ass. Look the black nihilistic hip-hop
    artist, they rap about being fat-ass, and they are proud of it.
    Oh man this is really bizarre culture only possible in America!

    Eating is american #1 activity. Food is their obsession.
    I'm right 100%. YOu can not disagree on that.
    Wonder why American car is getting bigger and bigger. Why they make
    and bigger car? A door has to be so hugh and here comes out the door
    a fat-ass
    White or black woman and walking slowly. She suffers some kind of
    disease which is the product of the fat-lazy eating obession American
    If the SUV door is like a little honda, she couldn't get out of the

    You are too proud and too arrogant and too ignorant. All of your
    is like Hollywood script that no longer make any sense at all. Go
    to the media. Go listen to Repbuclian fat-ass Limbaugh or Liberal
    they both talk same trolling and spamming argument over and over
    They talk about the thing do not matter at all.

    Oh geez what can I say to correct the apolitical flight in this

    YOu are too proud, too arrogant, too stupid and too naive. Your
    dream of true democracy and true freedom is only a window dressing.
    You don't
    have that anymore . No matter how much you are asking for it and you
    are not
    going to get it. You are just dreaming that America is the closet
    or the most free, and other bunch of propaganda crap over and over
    This is what WMD is all about. The Weapon of Mass Deception.

    You are caught with the deception that you are living in the most free
    and most democratic society in the world. Think! America has never
    been free or
    democratic. Genocide of 95% of native American! 10 millions Black
    Rampant wide spread Racism. Can we forget this? I don't think so.

    I understand how much your desire to speak out the wishful dream to
    sound like a real man. I mean the real American man. I mean you wanan
    the proud people??? Well not in my eye I see that happen to you. All I
    see is
    the arrogant plus ignorant citizen totally misled by the media and
    all the
    propaganda you just can't wait to embrace it cuz it just feels good
    being part
    of riding a propaganda waves . Why go find out the truth? Afterall
    getting truth requires reading and studying, let us sit in front of TV
    and watch that propaganda media persona rambling big-fat mouth to
    make sure it reflects
    my propaganda view. Afterall you feel easy and good. That is good
    life, right?
    Leo Lee, Oct 23, 2003
  6. BW

    Leo Lee Guest

    Nice jimmie. That's best lie I've heard in my life! YOur kind of ugly
    fucking asshole only found in gun-loving gun-crazy scum racist
    American just can
    not wait to kill other people. You don't hate??? You don't kill??? You
    do not
    remember?? You have no memory??? Your ancestor used to be very best
    murderer and killer ever known to human history and the most hateful
    people on earth. I've never seen such hate driven people in my life
    who wants to fight!
    Leo Lee, Oct 23, 2003
  7. BW

    Leo Lee Guest

    Boy Jimmie is making me laugh. He think the war is cool. I bet this
    Iowa homeboy has never joined the military. He never fought in real
    war. He thinks the war is cool. Does he know what the war smell like?
    He can try. I suggest
    Jimmie to go get a match box and grab your hair and light it to your
    hair. Smell the burning on the top of your head. That's what the real
    smells like. Hey top of that, jimmie is teaching us Freedom of
    How about freedom of hate, jimmie? Your kind of ugly shitty race is
    who used to genocide native Americans. Now you idiot is speaking for
    the veterans.??? Gimme a break! I bet he never talked to any war
    veteran in his

    Jimmie, you are the perfect guy stand in front of Nazi rally
    You don't deserve any freedom cuz you have never done any freedom
    thing. You are the perfect white supremacist! You have been driven by
    hate and white
    supremacist all your life! YOu are the victim of white supremacist
    abomination. You will never be happy in this land. You are the
    cursed, jimmie!

    Freedom??? Freedom of soil??? A typical racist scum using propaganda
    validate his hate. This is what the real problem facing white
    They talk about freedom but only reveal themselve how racist they
    Leo Lee, Oct 23, 2003
  8. BW

    Dave Milne Guest

    I'd vote for the Chinese Mongols for that title !

    Dave Milne, Scotland
    '99 TJ 4.0 Sahara

    Your ancestor used to be very best
    : murderer and killer ever known to human history and the most hateful
    : people on earth. I've never seen such hate driven people in my life
    : who wants to fight!
    Dave Milne, Oct 23, 2003
  9. BW

    Leo Lee Guest

    You didn't get your own house. You didn't built your own house. You
    in the first place. Was that your land? No. NO tribes never sold land.
    thief stoled it and claiming this is my land. Do you think I would
    believe in the white man history book? No. The land was taken by force
    and by genocidal policy which Adolf Hitler was inspired it. They built
    the white man society
    called it as "Freedom or the land of free people or the land of
    They are probably true for white race only. yes it was free for white

    Now white men took over all the land in America called as their
    Some even suggested to me they are native it. Excuse sir, "Arn't you
    not the
    immgrant from Europe who took it by force?" Is not that the truth?
    White men
    said everybody is free playing the same level field which is
    obviously lying!
    The racism is still here. White men created their own nation and
    everybody has chance to join. No no not after they took over

    No thanx I don't join it!
    Leo Lee, Oct 23, 2003
  10. That's a strange argument for the abolition of subsidies on home ownership.

    The British government let similar subsidies 'wither on the vine years
    ago', just saying that further subsidy was not justified in the economic
    climate and was unfair vis-a-vis renters (of which there are not that many
    in the private sector). (UK tax breaks applied to houses and flats.)

    NB: To reply directly replace "nospam" with "schmetterling"
    Dori Schmetterling, Oct 23, 2003
  11. BW

    Napalm Heart Guest

    Now you're deluded and confused. I said you have a socialist mindset,
    not communist. You're revealing more about yourself than you know.
    You'll definitely make the world a better place when you leave it.

    You won't stop. You can't handle not having the last word. You can't
    even make a relevant comment to the main idea of my statement.

    P.S. You better keep a closer watch on Euro-politics. The socialists
    are losing.
    Napalm Heart, Oct 23, 2003
  12. BW

    rickety Guest

    The Europa was literally cut off from the wheels forward, the Daf tipped
    from riding over the front (and we both thought we saw the drvie belts, so
    it was rolling as much as a renault 4 on an 80kph corner). I think the turn
    into the shop front was accidental. Albert Hein shopping carts are much
    smaller than US ones!

    Both my friend and I both swore that the grannij and her passenger were
    having a conversation eye to eye throughout the event that only ended when
    they stopped at the shop front.

    The other funny thing was that despite shoppers running in all directions to
    avoid being Daffed, the police were unable to find a single witness. It
    wasn't too bad. Whether things are still the same, the rule then was to
    "yield to traffic from the right" and that's where we were. So "no fault" on
    my colleague.

    Shame about the Lotus, it was totalled and Pete ended up getting a Triumph
    Dolomite Sprint.
    rickety, Oct 23, 2003
  13. BW

    TJim Guest

    Yep. How can you argue with that kind of logic?
    TJim, Oct 23, 2003
  14. BW

    Joe Pfeiffer Guest

    Is there some remote chance people could quit feeding this particular
    Joe Pfeiffer, Oct 23, 2003
  15. BW

    TJim Guest

    Forwarded to and

    Have a nice day.


    From: (Leo Lee)
    Subject: Re: LEO LEE
    Date: 22 Oct 2003 23:26:12 -0700
    Organization: http://groups.google.com
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    NNTP-Posting-Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2003 06:26:12 +0000 (UTC)
    Xref: intern1.nntp.aus1.giganews.com rec.autos.makers.chrysler:228132
    rec.autos.makers.saturn:137589 rec.autos.makers.honda:450516
    rec.autos.makers.jeep+willys:556359 rec.autos.makers.vw.watercooled:409514
    TJim, Oct 23, 2003
  16. BW

    Moitz Guest

    (Leo Lee) muttered incoherently in


    Should have Googled this idiot first. He makes Mike Hunt seem normal.
    I'm half tempted to post a selection of his completely incoherent
    babblings, but doing that would simply flatter him.

    Apparently you can't argue with him. It's essentially debating with a
    three year old. No one else I've ever met harbors such an extreme yet
    unjustified, illogical, and reckless hatred of the American system.
    Most people who do hate it can at least explain why without resorting
    to calling people "fat-ass idiots." He has accused other people of
    making assumption about him, yet he insists on making assumptions
    about me and my level of intelligence (and physical fitness.)

    So, I consider this the first time I've ever gotten bitten while
    feeding a troll. It probably won't be the last, but it will be the
    last time for this jack ass. Leo Lee, if you want a real debate go
    back (or to) college and take a few classes in debate. When you come
    back armed with facts presented in a logical, coherent and well-laid
    out manner, we will debate. I refuse to participate in a "lowest
    common denominator debate", which is what you seem hell-bent on
    reducing this to.

    Moitz, Oct 23, 2003
  17. You fucking moron:

    Sweden's tax burden has held steady at 54 percent
    over the past decade and is the highest of the OECD
    countries. By earning this distinction, Sweden has
    gone from being one of the most prosperous countries
    in Europe (84 percent of the U.S. level in 1975) to
    one of the poorest (70 percent of U.S. GDP in 2001).


    Taxes in Sweden are over 50% of GDP; they're under 30%
    of GDP in the U.S.:

    Expenditure on health care in Sweden is a lower
    percentage of GDP (7.9% in 1998) because the care is
    minimal, and everyone is compelled to use ONLY the
    minimalist state care provided. By contrast, health
    care expenditure in the U.S. is a much higher
    percentage of GDP (12.9%, 1998), because we CHOOSE to
    spend that much.

    The real question is, why does Sweden spend so little
    on health care, not why does the U.S. spend so much?
    Murray Cooper, Oct 23, 2003
  18. Truly unfortunate that your IQ is so low that you can't utter words
    longer than three or four letters.

    Matthew S. Whiting, Oct 23, 2003
  19. BW

    Bill Putney Guest

    AHA! So now who's the ignorant one, Mr. Baudolino? By your own
    criteria, I guess that makes you a dumb fat American too.

    Bill Putney
    (to reply by e-mail, replace the last letter of the alphabet in my
    address with "x")
    Bill Putney, Oct 24, 2003
  20. BW

    dizzy Guest

    This American prefers fast cars, good beer, and smoking a fine cigar,
    preferably all at the same time! 8)
    dizzy, Oct 24, 2003
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