Why Not Let Honda Et Al. Take Over GM?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Elle, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. Elle

    Elle Guest

    siskuwihane wrote
    http://www.detnews.com/2005/autosinsider/0510/17/A01-351179.htmRead-o, update and clarification. The above cited 2005article said the UAW and the Big 3 could re-negotiate thejob bank in 2007. The Nov 2008 article linked below saysthat today "there are about 1,000 union members in jobsbanks, which means that it's 'almost gone' compared to the12k of about three years ago" blah blah.http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/uaw-job-bank-not-gone-yet-but-its-almost-gone/
    Elle, Dec 10, 2008
  2. Elle

    AJL Guest

    Just off the press:

    AJL, Dec 10, 2008
  3. Elle

    AJL Guest

    Just off the press:

    AJL, Dec 10, 2008
  4. Elle

    Elle Guest

    I just read this. The comments section is full of a lot of
    unawareness, like the cost to taxpayers (via pensions and
    unemployment insurance) if there is not some kind of
    Elle, Dec 10, 2008
  5. Elle

    Elle Guest

    I just read this. The comments section is full of a lot of
    unawareness, like the cost to taxpayers (via pensions and
    unemployment insurance) if there is not some kind of
    Elle, Dec 10, 2008
  6. Eliminating Job Banks and other random atrocities is a step, but not
    nearly enough.

    Let's take this to the next level!
    Mr. Auto Maker, "You want a bailout? Fire every manager making 150K or
    more." Like a roach infestation, groupthink and ineptitude of this
    magnitude, once entrenched, can never be fully undone. Comprehensive
    ex-term-in-a-tion (Say it like a Dalek!) is the only way. Upper
    management forfeits all severance and recently accumulated perks. If it
    is possible to retroactively sue these idiots, do it. (Pass laws
    encouraging a shareholder lawsuit?) If my tax dollars are being spent to
    fix their fuckup, I want my pound of flesh!

    Mr. UAW worker, "You want a bailout? Quit the union and be ready to
    actually WORK for a living, like the rest of us do."

    UAW, "See ya!" Liquidate all holdings, splitting the assets between the
    manufacturers and low income workers.

    In short, dismantle the whole stinking pile of poo and start over.
    Hire experienced Honda/Toyota execs to administer reorganization.
    That sounds pretty good too. Don't forget the firing squad for the old,
    fat, white guys flying around in corporate jets.
    Greg Campbell, Dec 10, 2008
  7. Eliminating Job Banks and other random atrocities is a step, but not
    nearly enough.

    Let's take this to the next level!
    Mr. Auto Maker, "You want a bailout? Fire every manager making 150K or
    more." Like a roach infestation, groupthink and ineptitude of this
    magnitude, once entrenched, can never be fully undone. Comprehensive
    ex-term-in-a-tion (Say it like a Dalek!) is the only way. Upper
    management forfeits all severance and recently accumulated perks. If it
    is possible to retroactively sue these idiots, do it. (Pass laws
    encouraging a shareholder lawsuit?) If my tax dollars are being spent to
    fix their fuckup, I want my pound of flesh!

    Mr. UAW worker, "You want a bailout? Quit the union and be ready to
    actually WORK for a living, like the rest of us do."

    UAW, "See ya!" Liquidate all holdings, splitting the assets between the
    manufacturers and low income workers.

    In short, dismantle the whole stinking pile of poo and start over.
    Hire experienced Honda/Toyota execs to administer reorganization.
    That sounds pretty good too. Don't forget the firing squad for the old,
    fat, white guys flying around in corporate jets.
    Greg Campbell, Dec 10, 2008
  8. Elle

    News Guest

    So, how's your 'put' deal going? Circle the money yet?

    Still holding your breath? You're looking a little blue.
    News, Dec 12, 2008
  9. Elle

    News Guest

    So, how's your 'put' deal going? Circle the money yet?

    Still holding your breath? You're looking a little blue.
    News, Dec 12, 2008
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