Wierd dashboard activity.... Please help!!!

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by DaveT, Sep 10, 2004.

  1. DaveT

    DaveT Guest

    Hi guys,

    I believe I worded my problem wrong in my prior post, here it goes again. I
    have a 92 Accord EX with ~134K mi. Today for example, I was driving to
    school. About 10 min. into the drive I see the brake light come on(the one
    that comes one when you pull your handbrake). Wierd thing is it doesn't come
    on fully bright, just barely enough for me to notice while driving. I
    thought by pulling and releasing the handbrake it'll fix the problem, but
    nothing. So it stays barely lit for a while and this my ABS light comes on.
    Here is where I start to worry. I get to school, park the car and turn it
    off. Then I start it again and the lights go off. This also happened last
    night too.

    While driving home, I stared at my dashboard to see if it would occur again
    and nothing happened.

    What could be the cause of this? I read up some newsgroup posts and they
    say that the ABS light comes on because the brake light is on and the car is
    moving or something like that. My question is what could make the brake
    light barely glow that way? A short maybe? One that occurred overnight and
    doesn't always occur? Sounds to weird....

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    DaveT, Sep 10, 2004
  2. DaveT

    Bubba Guest

    Check brake fluid level
    Bubba, Sep 10, 2004
  3. DaveT

    DaveT Guest

    I checked all my brake fluids, they are all at proper levels. The only fluid
    that was a little low was the power steering, but I don't think this is
    linked to the brake light. Same deal happened last night. I went to the
    store, nothing happened. Then while I was driving back, same dimly lit brake
    light appeared.

    Any other suggestions? By the way, thanks Bubba for your response, I was
    really hoping that would've been the answer.

    DaveT, Sep 10, 2004
  4. DaveT

    Jason Guest

    I hate to say this since it is bad news but your problem is probably
    related to a wire that has come loose or some solder (spelling??) that may
    have come off. Obviously, I am just guessing. I once had a radio that
    developed problems and I spend several hours trying to track down the
    problem and it turned out to be something simple. It was one of the dials
    that had a short in it. This is a problem that you have to learn to ignore
    or spent a lot of time or money or both in a effort to fix the problem.
    Jason, Sep 10, 2004
  5. DaveT

    E. Meyer Guest

    Have you checked that the switch at the base of the handbrake lever is fully
    closing when the handbrake is disengaged? Also check that the lever goes
    all the way back down.
    E. Meyer, Sep 11, 2004
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