wierd sound

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by amsjsj, Feb 19, 2004.

  1. amsjsj

    amsjsj Guest

    I have a 96 honda accord lx, non-vtec. Ive noticed this for alittle while
    now, heres the prob. When im driving at slow speed and ill tap on the gas
    padel then let go. It seems like something in the engine still spins then
    stops. Sometimes it does it for little longer then the other time. Wierd but
    it does it around 20 mph. Sounds like somethings still rattling or clicking
    then stops please help! But i dont notice it in neutral, could someone
    amsjsj, Feb 19, 2004
  2. amsjsj

    electricked Guest

    When under load, your engine creates inertia thus the engine can't stop
    right away. This is noticable with stick shift cars especially. Turn first,
    give it some gas, go second, give it a little gas, go first. You'll notice
    the engine can't slow down right away because the engine is rolling fast and
    it takes a little while for it to move in to the speed of the current gear.

    If that doesn't explain what you're experiencing please be more specific.

    electricked, Feb 20, 2004
  3. amsjsj

    amsjsj Guest

    well that sounds about right, except i have an automatic same thing? like
    you said with stick but it seems like on my automatic it downshifts then i
    hear the sound then it stops, so its normal then?
    amsjsj, Feb 20, 2004
  4. amsjsj

    electricked Guest

    Right. I mentioned the manual because it's more apparent there since you can
    down shift whenever you want. In auto it does it by itself and that's the
    whole point of auto. It changes gears when it thinks it's time to change
    gears and smoothens out that sudden decrease in speed. So based on what you
    said you have nothing to worry about.

    electricked, Feb 20, 2004
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