will a catalylic converter pass my emission

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by vi3tbodian, Oct 13, 2007.

  1. vi3tbodian

    vi3tbodian Guest

    hey i have a 1994 integra rs wit a grs swap and i just put a cataylic
    converter on and i was just wonderin if it will pass my emission and my check
    light still comes on
    vi3tbodian, Oct 13, 2007
  2. vi3tbodian

    motsco_ Guest

    motsco_, Oct 13, 2007
  3. im in ga

    vi3tbodian via CarKB.com, Oct 14, 2007
  4. vi3tbodian

    Matt Ion Guest

    Well if your check engine light is coming on, it means there's (still?)
    something wrong, and it will very likely affect the emissions reading.
    Perhaps you should get someone to read the codes and find out what the
    problem is, rather than just throwing random parts at it?
    Matt Ion, Oct 14, 2007
  5. is it likely that it the check light is on becuz of tha engine swap?becuz
    tha shell is a 1994 with a 2000 gsr motor
    vi3tbodian via CarKB.com, Oct 15, 2007
  6. vi3tbodian

    jim beam Guest

    /what/ is the freakin' "c0d3"??? "becuz" you're wasting our freakin'
    time without it.
    jim beam, Oct 15, 2007
  7. vi3tbodian

    Matt Ion Guest


    And yes, if you didn't swap in the appropriate ECU for that motor, that
    could very well be why there's an error light, AND why you fail the
    emissions test.
    Matt Ion, Oct 15, 2007
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