window handles or air conditioning

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by windwatcher, Apr 8, 2006.

  1. windwatcher

    windwatcher Guest

    I cannot open windows for either side on my honda civic 96 cx. The
    handles stripped off. Sources available? Also, does anyone know where
    to obtain a working air conditioner for this model inexpensively. The
    bearing has to be replaced; not worth the price.

    Car is a boiler with both these problems. Would like to solve any one
    of them. Would prefer the air.
    windwatcher, Apr 8, 2006
  2. windwatcher

    Matt Ion Guest

    Mine has a stripped crank shaft on the driver's side... pair of 6"
    Vise-Grips work nicely.
    I once had the bearing go back on the compressor on my '87... mechanic
    told me there were two possible compressors used on that car: the
    cheaper one, the whole job of replacing it would cost about $1000; the
    other, the compressor alone would be $1000.

    Only other hope is probably a wrecker.
    I feel your pain...
    Matt Ion, Apr 8, 2006
  3. windwatcher

    Rocky Guest

    I was able to find a working compressor at my local auto salavge yard for
    around $150 us or less/I don't recall the exact price. My gas station
    installed it and charged the system in my 94 civic. Several salvage yards
    have a parts search system online and some post the asking price too.
    Rocky, Apr 8, 2006
  4. --------------------------------

    Windy. You have to tell us what COUNTRY you're willing to have the
    "working air conditioner" shipped to.

    This is the Internet.

    'Curly Q. Links', Apr 8, 2006
  5. windwatcher

    windwatcher Guest

    New ENgland USA, sorry, I forgot. Thanks!
    windwatcher, Apr 9, 2006
  6. ------------------------------------- has a diagram of EVERYTHING on your Honda, including
    the window cranks. Get the parts from local wreckers. Quickest to get
    the windows working rather than wait for AC repair. What happened to
    them in the first place? Transporting gorillas? You may need to spray
    silicone in the window tracks if they were sticking. has all
    those suggestions.

    'Curly Q. Links', Apr 9, 2006
  7. windwatcher

    windwatcher Guest

    Thanks for this. I did not even consider vise grips could be used. It
    works. I wish I had posted this last summer. Sincere thanks.
    windwatcher, Apr 24, 2006
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